Think Local Month Think. Look. Shop. Love. Frankston City. Campaign encouraging businesses, community, workers, to think local first to support small – medium businesses. Discover more.
Starting or growing your business Find details and information on starting a business in Frankston including business permits and home-based business information.
Business support, resources and workshops Council is committed to supporting local business. Discover a range of business resources, programs, support services and business events available to you.
Business Grants Whether it be local, government or private, there are grant programs and initiatives available here to help your small, medium or large business grow and prosper.
Business directories Want to list your business details or event, find a local business to work with or promote a job vacancy? We can help put your business in the spotlight.
Business eNewsletter Get the latest business news from local, state or federal governments, private organisations, business events, grants, resources, tenders and much more, by signing up to our monthly Frankston City Business eNewsletter.
Contact the Economic Development Team For all assistance regarding your business needs, contact the Frankston City Economic Development Team.
Invest in Frankston City There are $200 million plus reasons to invest in Frankston City. With Council now streamlining application processes for development and working on a bold vison of transformation, Frankston City is a thriving place to live, work, play and invest.
Imagine Frankston Whether you already own a business, are considering starting one, want to build a future, or are still working on making your vision a reality, Imagine the possibilities in Frankston City.Our city is transforming with unprecedented growth, find out how your business can be a part of it.