Government Business Services
The Victorian and Australian Governments offer services and programs to help your business grow and thrive. You may also need to obtain a licence, permit or approval from one or more of these government agencies to operate.
State Government
Service |
Description |
Business Victoria
Free resources, tools and information to help Victorians start, run and grow their businesses. |
Consumer Affairs Victoria
Find information or advice about your rights, responsibilities and changes to relevant laws as a Victorian business owner. |
Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) |
From 1 January 2022, VCGLR is the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC). Learn about gambling and liquor regulations for your business, apply for licenses and take the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) refresher course. |
State Revenue Office |
Understand the Victorian Government taxes and duties that your businesses may be required to pay, such as payroll tax. |
Department of Health |
Information and templates to ensure that food, health, wellbeing and accomodation businesses meet set standards of operations to keep employees and consumers safe.
Victorian Small Business Commissioner (VSBC) |
A quick, effective and low cost dispute resolution service for businesses in dispute with other businesses or government. |
WorkSafe Victoria |
Learn about your Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) responsibilities as a business owner. |
Business Victoria Tenders |
This website serves as the initial phase in centralising procurement information for Victorian Government suppliers and buyers with all the ongoing public tenders listed. |
Federal Government
Service |
Description | |
The Australian Government's principal business resource. Find information, forms and services you need to start or grow your business. |
Australian Tax Office (ATO) |
Find information about Australian Business Number (ABN), Goods and Services Tax (GST), Pay As You Go (PAYG), Superannuation and more. |
Australian Business Licence and Information Service (ABLIS) |
Find government licences, permits, approvals and registrations. |
Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) |
Search for, register business names and incorporate your business. |
Austrade |
Services and grants to assist your business to export good or expand overseas. |
Australian Border Force |
Businesses that plan on importing or exporting should visit the Customs website for further information regarding their obligations including laws, duties and tariffs on goods crossing the border. |
IP Australia |
Protect your business inventions, brands or ideas. Learn about intellectual property (IP) rights and legislation relating to patents, trade marks, designs and plant breeder's rights. |
AusIndustry |
Find information, grants, registrations and support to help your business succeed in Australia and compete internationally. |
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) |
Understand your business rights and responsibilities under the Australian Consumer Law.
Australian Consumer Law (ACL) |
A resource to help consumers and businesses understand their rights and obligations. |
Fair Work Ombudsman |
Learn about employer and employee obligations related to pay, leave, dismissal and National Employment Standards. |