Frankston Winter Shelter – 23 October 2023
Presented by Cr Sue Baker, in recognition of the Frankston Winter Shelter initiative – a combined project of the Frankston Churches offering critical support for the most vulnerable in our community. Council applauds its dedication and commitment in providing a bed, a warm meal and safe place for the night through the winter months in a safe, caring, non-judgemental community environment where guests receive refreshment, hope and rest. Your passion has inspired and garnered more than 100 volunteers – demonstrating what the community can achieve when we work together. Congratulations and keep up the inspirational work!

Emma Jennings – 23 October 2023
Presented by Cr Suzette Tayler, in recognition of Emma’s inspirational work establishing the Peninsula Autism Friendship Group, expanding to provide social groups for kids, teenagers and young adults, as well as multiple Carer Groups. A hallmark of Emma’s work with the group has been a distinctive drive, passion and dedication to building an inclusive, welcoming and accepting community, which has grown to include new venues to cater for more people. Council applauds your amazing work to enrich and enhance the lives of so many.

BAM Arts Inc - 2 Oct 2023
Presented by Cr Sue Baker, in recognition of its tremendous dedication in providing numerous performing and creative arts programs and social networking opportunities for people with disabilities. These programs include learning instruments, song writing and recording, music theatre, drama, multimedia, film making, visual arts, print media, radio and broadcasting, to name a few.
Led by CEO and Founder, Lisa Murphy, the team does marvelous work encouraging and developing the creative and performance art skills of children, young people and adults living with a disability. Congratulations and thank you for the incredible work you do in the community.

11 September 2023 - Rotary Club of Frankston
Presented by Cr Kris Bolam, in recognition for operating the much loved and highly successful Seaford Farmers Market for more than 15 years. Council celebrates and honours their inspirational vision and commitment in running this vital community strengthening event, while also raising over $500,000 for many charitable causes in Frankston and beyond – benefiting local, national and international causes. Frankston City Council expressed its admiration and deep appreciation for their remarkable community service. Congratulations – you’ve left a lasting legacy that has enhanced and positively transformed the lives of many.

3 April 2023 - Robert Charles Bolch OAM JP FRVAHJ
Presented by Cr Bolam, in recognition of 18 years of service as a Justice of the Peace (JP) at the Frankston Police Station DSS. Frankston thanks Robert for his selfless, long-term commitment to support residents who have faced a minefield of red tape with official form filling. Through his patience and experience, Robert has supported many people across the Frankston City community to placate their anxiety when dealing with official documents. His work to coordinate, educate and recognise other JPs over that time is also appreciated along with his legacy of collating detailed information for new JPs to access. Frankston thanks you for your service. Presented by Cr Kris Bolam
15 March 2023 - Wayne and Geraldine Stanistreet
Presented by Cr Claire Harvey, to express appreciation to Wayne and Geraldine for their vision and hard work establishing the Open Mic Night at The Green held monthly at Yamala Bowls Club. After pivoting online to keep this important community connected during COVID, this event now attracts a consistent line up of live acts, boasting a monthly evening of three hours of entertainment, with a waiting list of acts and all for a gold coin donation! This event has breathed new energy and enthusiasm into the Frankston community, providing valuable opportunities for creative expression and connection. Frankston thanks both Wayne and Geraldine for all their efforts, particularly the unseen work of arranging acts, setting up, creating a safe and welcoming space, and packing everything back down, including making their own equipment available. Frankston thanks you for the way in which you've modelled persistence, inclusivity and generosity. Presented by Cr Claire Harvey.
20 February 2023 - Seaford Community Group
Presented by Cr Kris Bolam, to express appreciation to the Seaford Community Committee. Established in February 2013, the group aims to improve communication and create a stronger sense of community in Seaford. They have achieved this by establishing a local village voice, a village e-newsletter, assisting other community groups in their efforts to retain the Seaford Breach Cabin Park and have lobbied to improve the Seaford Community Centre facilities, the Seaford Service Centre and Library. Frankston thanks you for your efforts in building this strong sense of community in Seaford. Presented by Cr Kris Bolam.