Community Vision 2040
Our Community Vision 2040 was developed by our community to articulate its long-term aspirations for the future of our City.
The Community Vision 2040 provides an aspirational description of what our community wants for the future of our municipality, in terms of its look, feel and liveability. It also captures what our community most values about Frankston City and connects it to our municipality as a place to live, work, study and visit.
Our Community Vision 2040 was created by a representative community panel of residents, and voiced in their own words. To achieve this, the panel participated in a deliberative engagement process to consider a broad range of information and weigh up the issues in determining the community’s aspirations for the future of our municipality. This followed an extensive community engagement program that involved feedback from over 800 people on what they most valued about our City and their aspirations for the future of the municipality.
The Community Vision 2040 forms part of Council’s strategic planning and reporting framework to ensure Council incorporates a long-term view of the community’s desired future into strategic planning and decision making. In particular, the Community Vision will help to shape the strategic priorities and directions in the four-year Council Plan to be established at the start of each Council term.
Our Community Vision Statement
‘Frankston City 2040 is the place on the bay to learn, live, work and play in a vibrant, safe and culturally inclusive community. Our City is clean, green and environmentally sustainable.’
Our Community Vision themes
The Community Vision 2040 has six key themes that set out our community’s aspirations for the future of our municipality.

What is a Community Vision?
A Community Vision captures what the community values most about their community and sets out their key priorities and aspirations for the future. The Community Vision forms part of Council’s strategic planning framework, ensuring that the community’s vision for the future of Frankston City is considered in Council’s strategic planning and decision making.
Why have a Community Vision?
A Community Vision is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 and must be developed with the local community to describe the community’s aspirations for the future of the municipality. It should describe the social, economic, cultural, and environmental aspirations for the future of the municipality, as well as long-term issues such as equity, environmental impacts and climate change.
How will the Community Vision be used?
The Community Vision 2040 forms part of Council’s strategic planning and reporting framework to ensure it incorporates a long-term view of the community’s desired future into strategic planning and decision making. More specifically, the aspirations and priorities in the Community Vision 2040 will influence Council’s long-term resourcing strategies and medium term strategic plans and policies, including the Council Plan.
The Community Vision will also be used to ensure our partnerships with organisations and sectors in the community, such as not-for-profits, service organisations and local businesses are working towards the same community vision.
What is the relationship between the Community Vision and the Council Plan?
The Community Vision 2040 will be considered in the development of each four year Council Plan, shaping Council’s strategic priorities and directions.
How was the Community Vision developed?
Council undertook an ambitious and extensive community engagement process to listen to a diverse range of people and capture what’s important to the community, and support a representative group of residents to bring this to life through the creation of the Community Vision. The community engagement process took place over the following four stages:
- Open community consultation with the whole community
- Deliberative engagement with a representative Community Panel
- Public exhibition of the Community Vision with the whole community
- Re-convening of the Community Panel
For more information, see the Community Engagement Outcomes Report in the Document Library.