Connecting Malls Project

Clyde Street Mall Improvements

The proposed Clyde Street Mall improvements are part of a staged program of works to create welcoming and safe pedestrian connections between Frankston Station and key destinations.

Key stakeholder and community engagement feedback, along with the findings of a best value review were incorporated into the concept plan. Council endorsed the plan in November 2019 and the public exhibition period is now open for four weeks from 20 January 2020.

Key features of the concept plan include:

  • Improved pedestrian accessibility between Balmoral Street and Ross Smith Avenue East
  • Permanent road closure for vehicles excluding emergency services and utility services
  • New pedestrian lighting to increase user safety and comfort complimenting the existing city centre lighting
  • Enhanced pedestrian use and accessibility through upgraded paving, seating, bicycle hoops, recycle and waste bins which will fit in with the existing city centre streetscape
  • Increased tree canopy and low level landscaping
  • Integration of the Frankston Hall of Fame through paving inserts and feature lighting
  • Clyde Mall Concept Plan(PDF, 2MB)

Council is currently seeking approvals with relevant authorities and detailed design is underway.

Works are expected to begin in May - June 2020.

Station Street Stage 2 Improvements

Station Street Stage 2 Improvements include a section of Station Street between Clyde Street Mall and Young Street in Frankston. The improvements will complement the recently completed works in Station Street Mall and improve the connection between Station Street and Frankston Station.

Key themes emerged through local business and land owner engagement which informed the concept and scope of works. Council endorsed the Concept Plan in November 2019, and the public exhibition period is now open for four weeks from 20 January 2020.

Key features of the concept plan include:

  • Enhanced pedestrian use and accessibility with upgraded paving, planters, new street lighting
  • No change to existing on and off street car parks and vehicle arrangements between Young Street to Gallery Lane
  • Permanent road closure for vehicles excluding emergency services and utility services in Station Street between Clyde Street Mall and Access ramp to private car park at No 7 Station Street

Council is currently seeking approvals with relevant authorities and the detailed design is currently underway.

Works are expected to begin in May - June 2020.

Contact US

Frankston City Council
30 Davey Street
Frankston 3199
P. 1300 322 322