Contacting Frankston emergency resources

Emergency Contacts

Name Contact 
Triple Zero: Fire / Police / Ambulance Call 000
Text 106
National Replay Service Emergency Calls by TTY Text 106
Call 1800 555 727
 Victoria State Emergency Services (SES)  Call 132 500
Vic Emergency  

 Other Contacts

 Name Phone 


132 099
County Fire Authority (CFA) 000 
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
Jemena 132 099
Lifeline 131 114
Multinet Gas 131 961
Nurse on Call 1300 60 60 24
Origin 132 771
Victorian Poisons Information Centre 131 126
Red Cross Information Line 1800 246 850
Salvation Army 1800 627 727 
South East Water (general enquiries)  131 694
St Vincent De Paul 1300 305 330
Vic Emergency  1800 226 226
Wildlife Victoria  1300 945 35

We recommend that you make a copy of these contacts in the event that you do not have access to the internet in an emergency.