Open air burning during the Fire Danger Period is governed by the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 and is enforced by Victoria Police.
Visit the CFA website for information on what fires are allowed during the Fire Danger Period.
If you believe someone is burning off illegally during the Fire Danger Period report this to Triple Zero (000).
Due to the anticipated onset of the Fire Danger Period, Frankston Council have now closed applications for a Permit to Burn.
Permits for burning off during the Fire Danger Period are only issued in very limited circumstances. Permits for general green waste burning off during the Fire Danger Period will not be issued by Council. Visit the CFA website for more information on permits.
Current Permit to Burn Holders
If you currently have a Permit to Burn issued by Frankston City Council under General Local Law 8, 2016 it will automatically expire at the onset of the Fire Danger Period or 30 November, whichever is earliest.
It is your responsibility as the permit holder to check the CFA Website each time before you commence burning to ensure the Fire Danger Period has not yet been declared. Visit the CFA website to check on the Fire Danger Period.
Your Permit to Burn issued under the Local Law does not allow you to burn off during the Fire Danger Period. You must comply with the CFA restrictions during the Fire Danger Period. Failure to do so may result in significant penalties and enforcement by Victoria Police.
But I still have vegetation to burn
If the Fire Danger Period has been declared your Permit to Burn issued under the Local Law will automatically expire. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of other options such as green waste disposal at the Frankston Regional Recycling and Recovery Centre (FRRRC).
Fuel-Reduction and Ecological Burning
Within Frankston City, fuel-reduction and ecological burning is conducted by both Frankston City Council's Natural Reserves Team and Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMV).
These burns are usually undertaken in spring and autumn when weather permits. For more information phone Council 1300 322 322.
For more information about burning undertaken on FFMV managed areas please visit
For further information about fire restrictions during the Fire Danger Period visit the CFA Warnings and Restrictions website or contact the Vic Emergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.
The CFA declare the Fire Danger Period when the conditions in the municipal area are such that the risk of fire is increased.
Visit the CFA website for information on what fires are allowed during the Fire Danger Period.
Within Frankston City, fuel-reduction and ecological burning is conducted by both Frankston City Council's Natural Reserves Team and the Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA).
These burns are usually undertaken in spring and autumn when weather permits. For more information on Council’s burning call 1300 322 322.
For more information about burning undertaken on DEECA managed areas please visit the Forest Fire Management Victoria website:
Frankston City Council
30 Davey Street
Frankston 3199
P. 1300 322 322