Bushfire prevention

Frankston City Council prepares for the fire season with inspections of properties and fuel reductions works in Council reserves including:

  • manual clearing of fine fuels
  • controlled burn-offs.

Annual fire prevention actions

Frankston City Council has an Integrated Fire Management Plan and program of fire prevention works planned for the lead up to the declaration of the fire danger period including:

  • maintaining fire breaks (including grass slashing and maintaining accessibility)
  • vegetation management
  • tree maintenance
  • responding to requests for fire management in specific locations.

Council is a contributing member of the Municipal Fire Management Working Group which sits beneath the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) to ensure all works in this space are collaborative, relevant and effective. This working group includes representatives from:

Fire risk within the municipality is reviewed annually, content is updated within the Municipal Emergency Management Plan and individual agency actions are carried out to minimise the risk to the community.

Fire management plans

Council has a range of fire management plans to prepare and respond to bushfires in the municipality. These plans also help decide what fire prevention works are required in Council’s 55 natural reserves to make sure they meet:

  • current bushfire management standards  
  • legislative requirements.

While Council will make every effort to keep residents safe it is important to have your own personal fire plan. 

Frankston Municipal Emergency Management Plan

This Plan incorporates fire and all emergency information for the municipality. Please visit our Frankston Municipal Emergency Management Plan page to learn more. 

The Bushfire Management Strategy

The Bushfire Management Strategy has been approved by the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee. The Strategy has been developed by Terramatrix to provide guidance on how Council manages its 55 bush land reserves in relation to bushfire management.

It aims to ensure Council’s natural reserves are managed consistently to meet obligations for:

  • public safety
  • environmental care
  • legal obligations  
  • community and council expectations in accordance with the Frankston Municipal Emergency Management Plan.

The main goal of the Strategy is to identify and assess hazards, community exposure and vulnerability to bushfire and prioritise the 55 natural reserves based on this assessment of bushfire risk. This allows Council to administer a range of fire management treatments in our natural reserves based on a consistent assessment process. Reserves were classified as low, moderate or high fire management priority, with a range of suitable treatments for each category outlined to reduce bushfire risk.

Download the Natural Reserves Bushfire Management Strategy 2024(PDF, 5MB)

Fire Management Plans

These Plans are location specific and are created for all high-risk reserves listed in the Fire Management Strategy. The Plans identify:

  • the nature and level of the risk for a location  
  • areas where fuel breaks or fuel reduction zones should be placed
  • the location of access points for emergency services  
  • the public and vegetation types and classes.

Fire Management Plans were developed by an external consultant (Terramatrix) to ensure current fire science and environmental implications were considered.

You can request a copy of the Plans by making a freedom of information application to Council. Call us on 1300 322 322 for more information. 

Fire Management Statements

These statements are location specific and are created for moderate and low risk natural reserves. These statements are a very basic document that highlights:

  • access points
  • current maintenance methods  
  • emergency information.

These plans are currently being developed and are not available to the public, once completed they will be available on this page.

Annual Fire Hazard Inspection Program

Council's Compliance and Safety Department undertakes proactive fire risk inspections across the municipality to monitor/reduce areas of fire risk. Properties in the municipality are inspected for fire risk from November onwards including:

  • vacant blocks
  • residential properties
  • bushland blocks  
  • commercial and industrial areas.

Residents and property owners who don't have their properties in a fire ready state can be issued with a Fire Prevention Notice, under the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 (Vic) and the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958 (Vic).

If you receive a Fire Prevention Notice and do not complete the works requested, they may be completed by Council at the your cost. Failure to adhere to a Fire Prevention Notice could result in:

  • fines of over $21,000
  • imprisonment.

Fire prevention in natural reserves

Council manages bush land reserves in a way which combines both environmental conservation values and community safety through fire prevention measures and education.

Council's Natural Reserve Rangers carry out fire prevention works in reserves and along roadsides before the beginning of the fire danger period of every year. Works include:

  • fuel reduction and ecological burning in spring and autumn, when weather permits
  • slashing and maintaining fire breaks and reducing potential fire risks in our reserves as per the fire management plans (see fire management plans section).

The Natural Reserve Rangers patrol reserves during the fire danger period on weekends and days of high fire danger, and alert the CFA when necessary.

CFA Fire Ready Victoria sessions

The CFA hosts Fire Ready Victoria sessions over summer throughout Frankston City. Council's Municipal Fire Prevention Officer also attends many of the sessions to help residents who have questions or concerns about Council land or neighbouring properties that may require inspection.

Attending these community meetings will help you:

  • gain advice and information about bushfire behaviour
  • identify and reduce your fire risk
  • prepare your property
  • build your plan of action.

For more details or to register your interest and book a Fire Ready Victoria session for your neighbourhood visit the CFA website.

Emergency management planning

Frankston City has a Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) to manage municipal resources and coordinate community support in the event of major emergencies.

The Municipal Emergency Planning Committee (MEMPC) includes representatives from:

The Committee regularly reviews and updates the Plan to make sure it is current.

Council has recently revised and updated the MEMP in the lead up to the fire season. Upgrades to the plan include:

  • new activation plans
  • enhanced recovery procedures
  • links to other Council plans.

Fire hydrant maintenance

Council maintains over 5,500 fire hydrants across Frankston City to help the CFA  easily access water in an emergency. Council's ongoing maintenance includes:

  • painting the red and white posts
  • clearing the lid and surrounds of any overgrown shrubs
  • installing reflective blue 'cats eyes' on the road to help locate fire hydrants at night.

We welcome your assistance in maintaining fire hydrants by:  

  • mowing the surrounds to make hydrants visible from both sides  
  • avoid parking within one meter of hydrants.  

You can also participate in Council’s Adopt a Hydrant Program. Call us on 1300 322 322 to learn how.