Fire safety information
Learn about how you can prepare for and help to prevent a fire.
VicEmergency is Victoria’s website for all emergency information.
Do you need a permit to burn?
Yes a permit is required for all properties within the City of Frankston.
For further information about fire restrictions call the Vic Emergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.
For further information on permits to burn please visit our burning and permits page or call us on 1300 322 322.
CFA key messages
- Victoria is one of the most fire-prone regions in the world.
- Planning ahead can save you and your family from being killed by fire.
- If you are in a high-risk bushfire area, know what to do, and when and where to go, on hot, dry, windy days.
Prepare weeks and months before the fire season. Act on the daily Fire Danger Rating. Survive a bush or grass fire.
Fire danger period
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) will declare the fire danger period each year before summer. Check the CFA website for updates.
High-risk bushfire areas
- These include heavily forested areas, thick bush or long, dry grass, coastal areas with lots of scrub.
- Fires can occur where suburbs meet the bush, in urban areas where houses have grassland or bush around them, and in rural and remote areas.
- Coastal scrub is a high fire risk as it burns very hot and fast.
Vacant and bush blocks
If you have a vacant or bush block, it's important that it is maintained in a fire ready state, including:
- cutting any grass so that it is no higher than 75mm
- removing any rubbish or material that is likely to cause, maintain or promote fire
- removing noxious weeds and ensuring a clean fence-line.
You may require a fire-break between your property and adjacent properties. Fire Hazard Notices can be issued on vacant and bush blocks, as well as residential properties.