Environmental weeds are a major threat to our natural environment. They can change and destroy habitats and ecosystems, and outcompete indigenous plants for light, nutrients and water. This can leave our wildlife without food and habitat, and lead lead the decline in our native animals.
Council Rangers work within our reserves with the community and our local Environmental Friends Groups to actively manage our bushland to remove pest plants such as Sweet Pittosporum, Blackberry, Boneseed, Cotoneaster and Agapanthus from invading our bushland reserves.
Many pest plants are spread from garden escapees. Seeds are spread from our gardens by birds and animals or by people dumping garden cuttings into our bush and waterways.
There are a number of ways you can help reduce the threat of weeds on our natural environment.
Choose appropriate plants for your garden
It is important to choose plants carefully for your garden. Group plants in your garden based on their sun or shade, water and fertiliser needs. Not only will this attract native wildlife to your garden, it will also reduce water use and save you money. Our Sustainable Gardening Guide will help you identify weed species in your garden, and provides a list of alternative indigenous plant species that will be a great addition to your garden.
Remove invasive weeds in your garden
Weeds are natural invaders of our bush. Remove any invasive weed species from your garden and replace them with plants that are native to the area. Cut off the seed heads of any garden escapees and put them in the bin. The Department of Environment and Primary Industries has the primary responsibility for administering this Act and has a Noxious Weed List on their website.
Dispose of your prunings and lawn clippings responsibly
It is important to dispose of your garden waste responsibly. Dumping garden waste in natural reserves can smother native plants and spread weeds, leading to serious environmental damage. Mulch your garden clippings, dispose of them in your food and garden waste bin, or take them to the Frankston Regional Recycling and Recovery Centre (FRRRC). View our Good Bushland Neighbour brochure for more information.
These training videos are produced by Dr. Graeme Lorimer, environmental scientist from Biosphere Pty Ltd. Developed for volunteers and residents, these videos are a great resource, helping to explain some of the intricacies of managing environmental weeds. The videos also reveal ecological insights and helpful tips on setting priorities for management actions. There is a lot more to it than meets the untrained eye.
Part 1 Ecological Insights
Part 2 Setting Priorities
Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (Vic) all land owners and occupiers are responsible for managing noxious weeds on their property. The Department of Environment and Primary Industries has the primary responsibility for administering this Act.