Pest animals


Pest animals pose a serious threat to our biodiversity. They contribute to the direct loss of native wildlife and can significantly change and disturb native vegetation.

Pest animals include foxes, rabbits, black rats and Indian Mynas. Council undertakes targeted pest animal controls within our bushland reserves.

Cats and dogs, if left to wander also pose a serious threat to our wildlife. Being a responsible pet owner is one of the most important things you can do to protect our native animals.

Types of pest animals


Foxes are a significant threat to our wildlife. Our native animals do not have an effective defence or avoidance behaviour for dealing with fox predation. Foxes also feed on agricultural animals such as sheep, new born lambs and poultry.

Visit our Foxes in Frankston City page for more information.


Rabbits are one of Australia’s most destructive and troublesome pests. They cause degradation of agricultural land and conservation areas. Rabbits compete with our native and agricultural animals for food, destroy native vegetation and modify soil structure which can lead to erosion.

Indian Myna

Indian Mynas adapt easily to urban landscapes. They reduce biodiversity through predation and aggressive competition with native wildlife, particularly hollow-nesting birds and mammals. They are long-lived and have two breeding seasons per year. They are territorial but roost communally.

Indian Mynas thrive where there is easy access to food. Feed pets indoors. Don’t put out bird feeders. Ensure they cannot access exposed rubbish bins. They also like to roost in roof cavities and palm trees. Block any entry holes to your roof and keep palms trimmed back.

Trapping Indian Mynas on your property using a custom-designed trap followed by approved euthanasia measures will reduce the Indian Myna population. Any eradication program must ensure that trapped birds are not treated cruelly and the method of euthanasia is quick, painless, and stress‐free and conforms to RSPCA guidelines.

Learn more about the current Indian Myna trapping project.

Traps are available for purchase through Knox and Cardinia councils or can be handmade as detailed in the landscape handbook.


All possums are protected in Victoria under the provisions of the Wildlife Act 1975.

For more information or tips on how to manage unwanted possums, visit Wildlife Victoria.

Your responsibility

Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (Vic) all land owners and occupiers are responsible for managing established pest animals on their land.

The Act identifies various offences relating to wildlife, and makes it an offence for dogs and cats to kill wildlife.

The Victorian Government is responsible for administering primary legislation for pest animals. 

Visit Agriculture Victoria for more information.

More information

For further information including problems with native wildlife, including information on swooping birds and living with possums, contact the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).