Frankston environment strategies and guidelines

Learn about Frankston City's environmental strategies, policies and plans.

Biodiversity Policy and Action Plan

We're committed to maintaining a healthy and sustainable environment and recognises the importance of supporting resilient ecosystems. These ecosystems should be connected by a network of biolinks (wildlife corridors) that provide benefits for the entire community, for present and future generations.

The Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) was adopted by Council in November 2021. It has been developed with a vision for a municipality where the community values and supports the conservation of local biodiversity, the ecosystems, biolinks and healthy waterways enhance the liveability of our municipality and foster strong community connections with nature over the next 15 years and beyond. 

Through extensive community consultation and research, the BAP has developed 89 actions to be delivered over its 15 year lifespan to ensure Frankston’s biodiversity is protected and enhanced for current and future generations. The actions focus on:

  • improving community connections with nature
  • enhancing ecosystem health
  • establishing wildlife corridors
  • protecting flora and fauna and their habitats.

Its implementation will result in enhanced and resilient ecosystems and provision of multiple ecosystem services for our community. The BAP integrates with the other Council environmental, climate change and health and wellbeing policies, strategies and plans. 

The Biodiversity Action Plan Technical Report provides a comprehensive review of the current state of biodiversity within the municipality and the evidence which informs the rationale for investment in the Action Plan. 

Climate Change Strategy

At Council, we know and understand that climate change is an important issue for our community. Following a Climate Change Community Survey in 2020, around 80% of the community respondents told us they were ‘extremely’ or ‘very concerned’ about the impacts of climate change.

Following the Climate Smart Community Survey in 2022 residents told us that they would like to see actions in the following top five areas:

  • Increase efficiency standards for new homes;
  • Strengthen resilience of coastal areas;
  • Support transition to renewable energy;
  • Reduce and divert waste from landfill; and
  • Protect native flora and fauna.

On the 3rd April 2023 Council adopted the Climate Change Strategy 2023-2030.

The Strategy was shaped by our community and identifies the risks, opportunities and priorities for Frankston City to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience to climate change impacts. It includes actions to reduce Council and community emissions, and adapt and build resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Download a copy of the adopted Climate Change Strategy 2023-2030 here(PDF, 6MB)

Climate Change - Frankston City Council 

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

Frankston City Council is committed to move towards zero net development plan and committed to assisting you to incorporate ESD into your development during the planning process.

Environmental Sustainability Policy

Council’s Environmental Sustainability Policy outlines Council’s commitment to environmental sustainability, leadership and best practice in partnership with our community. 

ESD Standards for Council Buildings Policy

Council’s Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) Standards for Council Buildings Policy sets environmental performance targets for all Council building projects, beyond the minimum requirements of the National Construction Code. The Policy was first adopted by Council in 2015, and later revised with a new Policy that was adopted by Council in February 2020. 

Greening our Future - Frankston City's Environment Strategy

Council's ten-year municipal-wide Environment Strategy was adopted in 2014 and provides a framework for Council and community actions in protecting the natural environment and using resources in a sustainable manner.

Integrated Water Action Plan

The Integrated Water Action Plan (2016-2026) was adopted by Council in June 2016 to enhance Council’s strategic and practical approach to integrated and sustainable water management. This ten-year plan outlines actions that Council can deliver to achieve integrated water management outcomes for the municipality.

Urban Forest Policy and Action Plan

Council’s Urban Forest Policy provides a framework for making structured, consistent and environmentally sound decisions for all trees within the municipality’s urban forest.

In 2020, Council adopted its Urban Forest Action Plan (2020-2040). This twenty-year plan aims to transform the City’s urban forest into a highly valued, well-resourced and thriving asset.

Vegetation Study

The Vegetation Study is a municipal-wide assessment of native vegetation on areas of land greater than 0.5 hectares. This data forms the basis of the Environmentally Sensitive Overlays in the Frankston Planning Scheme.

Waste Circularity Plan 2023-2030

Waste Wise Events Policy

In September 2019, Council adopted its Waste Wise Events Policy, ensuring that waste is minimised and effectively managed at Council events, as well as at events that are held on Council managed land.