Environmental and Friends Group Volunteers

Volunteer for the environment

Frankston City is lucky to have many passionate environmental volunteers to give their time to clean up, protect and restore our natural environment.

Volunteers can be direct volunteers of Council or join a local group that works independently or in partnership with Council.

Activities are highly varied and include community education, habitat restoration, litter collection, plant propagation, revegetation, seed collection and weed control.

Council and local groups are happy to welcome new people to volunteer across a range of projects including beach clean-ups, environmental action, work in our natural reserves and wildlife rescue. 

Get involved

Want to get involved? Join a local Environmental Friends Group,(PDF, 175KB) this list includes contact details and working bee dates.

The Frankston Climate Action Group and South East Environment Network also accept volunteers.

Frankston Environmental Friends Network (FEFN)

FEFN is an active network that provides a local forum for collaboration and communication between environmental and friends group volunteers within Frankston’s municipality and beyond. As a stand-alone organisation, FEFN members meet monthly to share ideas and provide support to one another.

Environmental and friends group volunteers work with the land manager, whether it is Council or another organisation to look after and undertake environmental activities within a natural reserve. All activities undertaken by the group are agreed to by the relevant land manager and are generally carried out alongside a Management Plan.

Guidelines for environmental and friends group volunteers

The Environmental and Friends Group Volunteer Guidelines (The Guidelines) have been developed specifically for volunteers working on Council owned and managed land.  They are an essential resource for providing volunteers with all they need to know about working in Council’s natural reserves so that we can work safely together for the benefit of our precious environment. These Guidelines contain all the background information, forms and lists required by Council to help ensure safety and to better support all our volunteers.

The Guidelines are currently being reviewed and will be available to download from the website in July 2024.

Contact environment@frankston.vic.gov.au for any questions in relation to The Guidelines. 

Starting up a new group

Interested in forming a new group in a natural reserve? First step is to contact Council who will consider the following:

  • Is there already an existing group operating in the area that you would like to work in
  • if the proposal aligns with Council’s priorities for the reserve
  • The reasons why you are wanting to start up a group
  • What you are trying to do and/or protect
  • The frequency and timing of proposed working bees
  • The activities and level of involvement to be undertaken by volunteers

Council will make a decision based upon the management needs of the natural reserve requested. If Council is able to support the request, we will work with the new Group to develop mutual goals. A minimum of three volunteers are required at every working bee to effectively support any new group.

The Group will need to appoint an activity leader to work with Council to ensure work plans are approved and carried out safely. Please refer to The Guidelines that outline all the requirements of working in partnership with Council.

Groups wanting to work in natural reserves managed by other land managers such as Melbourne Water or Parks Victoria will need to comply with the requirements of those organisations and work in partnership with them.

Get in touch for more information.

Application for Environmental Activities and Events

Helping us protect organisers, the public and the places themselves.

Special events by Environmental and Friends Groups that aren't part of the approved work plans or regular working bee activities. This includes annual picnics, group tours, national tree day celebrations, planting days, school outings, and other public events.

By securing approval via your application, you're helping Council to effectively maintain and protect our natural reserves, parks, and open spaces.

 We kindly ask you to fill out our online application at least three weeks before the event.

Application for Environmental Activities and Events

Gardens for wildlife

The Gardens for Wildlife is a free program that assists residents in creating wildlife-friendly habitats in their gardens by providing simple, practical advice for an environmentally sustainable garden. The program is provided by Frankston City Council and supported by our wonderful Garden Guide volunteers.

If you want to become a volunteer Garden Guide, please email Ranger.Jacky@frankston.vic.gov.au.

For more information on the program visit Gardens for wildlife.