Sustainable living

Would you like to know more about how you can make your home and garden more environmentally sustainable? Or are you just keen to save money? Or a bit of both? Here are some helpful tips. 

Community workshops and events

Council runs a range of community workshops and events (many of them free) on how to create a more sustainable home and lifestyle.

Workshops topics include:

  • biodiversity
  • energy
  • gardening
  • solar power
  • water
  • waste.

Visit our Environmental events page for information on upcoming events.

Sustainable gardening

Creating a water efficient garden can reduce your water bills and running costs and can often require less maintenance. Water efficient gardens also typically use plants that attract native birds and animals, making your garden a more enjoyable, relaxing environment.

Visit our Waterwise gardening page for more information, or view a list of local indigenous plants you can add to your garden on our Frankston Indigenous Nursery page.

For more tips on how to create a sustainable and healthy garden, view or download our handy Sustainable Gardening booklet(PDF, 4MB) .

Saving water

Visit our Saving water page for simple tips on how to save water in your home.

You’ll also find some water saving tips for your garden on our Waterwise gardening page.

Using alternative water sources such as rainwater or greywater can also help to reduce costs and save water in your household.

Saving energy and going solar

By saving energy, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our impact on climate change. Saving energy also leads to cost savings on your electricity and gas bills.

Visit our Saving energy page for tips and information. Visit our Environmental grants and rebates page for information on government rebates.

If you’re thinking about making the switch to solar, visit our solar and renewable energy page for tips to help you get started.

Reducing your waste

Visit our Reduce your waste page for helpful tips and simple steps you can take to reduce waste in your household.

You’ll find information on composting, worm farms and Bokashi buckets, as well as tips on how to dispose of your food and garden waste.

Environmental grants and rebates

Visit our Environmental grants and rebates page for information on Council’s Environmental Sustainability Grant program, as well as rebates and incentives to help homeowners and businesses save energy, install efficient appliances and solar power, as well as reduce energy costs.

Guide to creating sustainable homes

YourHome is an Australian Government initiative that provides a range of comprehensive information and tools to encourage the design, construction or renovation of homes to be comfortable, healthy and more environmentally sustainable.

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