Waterwise gardening

Creating a water efficient garden can reduce your water bills and running costs and can often require less maintenance. Water efficient gardens also use plants that attract native birds, making your garden a more enjoyable, relaxing environment.

Careful planning is key to a water efficient garden. Generally, there are seven basic areas to achieve a water efficient garden:

  • planning
  • soil care
  • plant selection
  • lawn care
  • irrigation
  • mulching
  • maintenance

When applied together, these techniques can reduce water use significantly.

Selecting plants

Selecting the right plants for the garden can save on watering. Council's Sustainable Gardening in Frankston booklet lists plants which have evolved to handle local conditions. Indigenous plants are also available from the Frankston Indigenous Nursery.

Mulch for your garden

Essentially, any organic matter on the surface of the soil acting as a cover is mulch.

When applied to the garden, mulch can reduce evaporation from the soil by up to 70 per cent. It is a natural sunscreen for your garden and prevents weed invasion, keeps roots cool and aids insect and microorganism activity.

Most local garden centres and nurseries sell mulch in either bags, bales or truckloads. It pays to do a bit of investigation on the type of mulch most suited to your area and needs. 

When purchasing mulch, be mindful of the source and treatment. Mulch that is not heat treated could introduce weeds and disease to your garden. It is best to choose an accredited mulch or supplier.

When laying mulch, the thickness will determine the evaporation and moisture retention. However, as a general rule, a thickness of about 3cm to 5cm is a good start.

After applying mulch, additional garden watering may be required to compensate for the moisture being taken up by the dry mulch.

Please remember to only water your garden before sunrise and after sunset to avoid evaporation, and also be mindful of current Permanent Water Use Rules

For more tips, view or download our Sustainable Gardening booklet(PDF, 4MB) .