Request a new street tree

Men working in garden nursery with plants

By 2024, Council is aiming to plant 80,000 trees across the municipality with the goal of increasing canopy cover from 17% to 20%.

Council prioritises planting locations based on canopy audits so we can focus our efforts in areas such as Carrum Downs, Skye and Seaford, which have low canopy cover and high community vulnerability to urban heat.

The trees we plant are carefully selected and take into consideration mature tree height, visibility for roads users and underground services such as gas and water.

You can find out more about our street tree planning program strategy in our Urban Forest Action Plan.

To help us achieve this goal, you can request a street tree to be planted in front of your property during the next planting season, which runs from May to September each year.  



Step 1.Submit your request

You can request a new tree through our online portal.

Under 'My request relates to', select 'New Tree Request'.

Submit online 

Step 2.What happens next?

The planting season runs from May to September each year. The newly planted street trees are maintained for their first year to help them establish. This includes watering from October to May and formative pruning. Then they come under the regular 2 year maintenance program.

To assist Council in caring for your new street tree, we recommend regular watering. A bucket of water twice a week in warm weather, and once a week in mild weather, will keep your trees healthy and increase growth rate.

Read more about Council's ambitious initiative to plant 80,000 trees by 2024 here

Visit the Urban Forest Action Plan page to learn more about Council's tree canopy cover goal.