Water restrictions
On 1 December 2012, Stage 1 Water Restrictions were lifted and replaced with the following Permanent Water Use Rules which apply to all Melbourne households and businesses.
Hand watering
Residential or commercial gardens and lawns can now be watered at any time, on any day, using a hand held hose that is leak free and fitted with a trigger nozzle.
Watering systems
You can water gardens and lawns using a watering system (manual, automatic, spray or dripper) only between 6pm-10am, any day of the week.
Hand watering
Public gardens, lawns and playing surfaces can be watered at any time, on any day using a hand held hose with a trigger nozzle.
Watering systems
Public gardens, lawns and playing surfaces can use a watering system between 6pm-10am, any day of the week or be watered in accordance with an approved Water Use Plan.
Watering systems for public gardens, lawns and playing surfaces must be fitted with a rain or soil moisture sensor.
You can fill and operate your fountain or water feature as long as it re-circulates the water.
You cannot hose down hard surfaces including driveways, paths, concrete, tiles, timber decking and other paved areas except:
- Where cleaning is required as a result of an accident, fire, health hazard, safety hazard or other emergency.
- If staining to the surface has developed, and then only once a season.
- In the course of construction of renovation.
And then only by means of a high pressure water cleaning device, or if such a device is not available, a hand held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, or a bucket.
You can also use a hose fitted with a trigger nozzle in the course of construction or renovation.
You can wash windows with a bucket, high pressure cleaning device or a hand held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle at any time.
You can wash your car, boat or other vehicle at home using a high pressure cleaning device, a hand held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle or a bucket or watering can, at any time, any day of the week.
You can fill or top up pools and spas.
The above rules do not apply to the use of recycled, reclaimed, rain or greywater, which can be used at any time, except when it is supplemented in any way by mains drinking water. For guidelines on safe use of alternative water, visit EPA Victoria.
South East Water has the ability to grant exemptions to these Permanent Water Saving Rules in special circumstances.
Visit South East Water for more information.
If you notice a breach of these restrictions, contact South East Water on 131 694.