Saving water
On average, most of us use 157 litres of water per day. In the average Victorian household, most of this water is used in the bathroom, followed by the laundry, garden and kitchen. Showers usually use the most water, followed by washing machines.
However, household water usage can vary dependent on many factors.
To find out how you’re going and where you use your water, try out this Water Calculator for your Home or Garden.
Simple tips for saving water around the home:
- Install a 3 star water efficient showerhead.
- Take shorter showers (4 minutes or less) - use a shower timer.
- Turn the water off when brushing your teeth or shaving.
- Wash dishes and clothing with a full load.
- Plug the sink when washing vegetables and fruit.
- Install a dual flush toilet or flush control device.
- Fix all water leaks and dripping taps.
- Install flow restrictors in all taps.
- Install water efficient appliances - look for star ratings on items such as dishwashers and washing machines, the more stars, the more water efficient.
- Use rainwater as an alternative source for toilet flushing. Find out more about rainwater tanks.
- Use rainwater or greywater for watering your garden. Find out more about greywater use.
- Visit our Waterwise Gardening page for tips on saving water in your garden.
The Victorian Government offers rebates to households and businesses that make the switch from a conventional to a water saving shower. Visit the Energy Upgrade Program website for more information.
The Victorian Government also offers a voluntary water efficiency program to encourage metropolitan Melbourne householders to limit their consumption to 155 litres per person, per day. Visit the Target 155 website to find out more.
If you are a business owner, visit South East Water for more information on water efficiency, case studies and resources tailored to most industries, such as food processing, manufacturing, hospitality and horticulture, plus information on alternative water sources including rainwater and recycled water.
To report a burst or leaking water main in the Frankston municipality, contact South East Water's Faults and Emergencies team on 13 28 12 (24 hours).