Water Sensitive Urban Design

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is the integration of water cycle management into urban planning and design. The aim of this process is to manage the impact of development on stormwater.

WSUD is fast becoming the best approach to stormwater management in our cities. Traditionally, water would be directed through pipes and waterways to the Bay, with little to no treatment prior to discharge. WSUD is an alternative approach that acknowledges stormwater as a valuable resource and our waterways as an environmental asset.

WSUD is not only for public roads and spaces. It can also be incorporated into the design of private homes and yards, as well as commercial and industrial premises.

The key principles of WSUD are to: 

  • protect and enhance our natural waterways 
  • treat and improve stormwater quality  
  • integrate stormwater treatment into the landscape 
  • reduce drinking water demand 
  • minimise wastewater generation and apply treatment for reuse
  • reduce rainfall run-off and peak flows (flood minimisation).

WSUD applications may include: 

  • permeable driveways and porous pavements to allow stormwater to seep back into the ground
  • raingardens to help filter pollutants out of stormwater before it enters our creeks and rivers
  • grassed or landscaped swales to slow stormwater and filter pollutants
  • greywater systems to harvest and reuse wastewater 
  • installation of rainwater tanks and stormwater reuse.

A simple and effective WSUD option for many households is to install a raingarden. Raingardens are self-watering, low maintenance gardens that capture and clean stormwater before it enters the local waterways.

In January 2012, Council endorsed the Frankston WSUD Guidelines to provide clarity and consistency to developers and Council when implementing WSUD projects within Frankston City.

View or download the Frankston WSUD Guidelines(PDF, 5MB).