Kindergarten Infrastructure and Services Plan (KISP)

The Victorian Government has committed to implement funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten for all children over a 10-year roll-out with a total investment of almost $5 billion, including $1.68 billion to support the infrastructure expansion required for the reform.  This will add another year of universal funded kindergarten providing all children with two years of play based learning before the commencement of primary school.

Frankston City Council is working in partnership with the Victorian Government to support the rollout of three-year-old Kindergarten and identify service demand for each local area across the municipality. Council was invited by the Department of Education and Training (DET) to discuss and agree upon a Kindergarten Infrastructure and Service Plan (KISP) for Frankston City.

The KISP estimates future demand for kindergarten places against existing supply at a local area level. It is intended to be used as a tool to support Council, as well as not-for-profit and for-profit kindergarten providers operating in Frankston City, with service planning.  

For more information on the KISP please go to the Department of Education and Training website

Kindergarten Infrastructure and Services Plan(PDF, 599KB)