Secondary school immunisation

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The National Immunisation Program provides vaccines to students in Year 7 and Year 10. These vaccines are provided at your student’s school by our councils nurse immunisers.

Students in Year 7 are recommended and funded for:

  • Boostrix - Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) booster (single dose only)
  • Gardasil – Human Papillomavirus single dose only

Students in Year 10 are recommended and funded for:

  • Nimenrix – single dose of Meningococcal ACWY 

If you have any questions for your secondary school student vaccines, please email our immunisation team at

Students who have missed vaccines at school in either Year 7 or Year 10 can be seen at any of our community-based immunisation sessions. Online bookings for these sessions can be made here.

Free catch up is now available for anyone up to 25 years of age to who has missed HPV vaccine dose in secondary school.  You can access this vaccine at any of our immunisation sessions. Online bookings for these sessions can be made here.

For information on Council's child safety statement of commitment, please visit the Child Safety page.