Positive Ageing Action Plan 2021 - 2025

Older adults currently represent approximately 21% (or 28,012 people) of Frankston City’s total population and are the fast-growing age group in the region.  

Population of older adults (%)
  Frankston City Greater Melbourne
Current (2022) 21% 21%
By 2026 24% 21%


To help meet the needs of this growing demographic, Frankston City Council has developed its first ever Positive Ageing Action Plan. 

The Plan will help guide how we will deliver programs, services and infrastructure to help older people living in the area stay connected, supported and engaged – and continue to thrive in older age. 

The Positive Ageing Action Plan 2021-2025 was developed in consultation with:   

  • seniors' clubs and groups
  • Council’s Age Friendly Frankston Ambassadors 
  • Frankston U3A  
  • over 400 community members.  

It is based on the World Health Organisation’s Global Age-Friendly cities and Council’s own Community Building Outcomes Framework.  

Download the Positive Ageing Action Plan 2021 - 2025(PDF, 1MB)