Positive Ageing Together is Frankston Council’s bi-monthly newsletter for community members over the age of 55. It has:
- recreational and social activities in the municipality
- interesting and relevant articles about health, wellbeing or local matters.
Complete the form to join our e-mailing list.
Privacy Statement
The information on this page is being collected and used by Council in the exercise of its powers and functions under legislation (including the Local Government Act 1989) in order to achieve its purposes as provided in the legislation. Your personal information will only be disclosed outside Council with your consent, or where required or permitted by law. For instance, Council may disclose your personal information to its contractors, credit providers or professional advisors to assist Council to perform its functions. This information will not otherwise be disclosed without your consent or as required or permitted by law. The information will only be amended upon receipt of written instructions either from yourself or from parties authorised to act on your behalf. You have a right to access your personal information subject to some exceptions allowed by law. If you have any questions related to privacy, please contact Council's Privacy Officer on 1300 322 322.