Homelessness in Frankston City

Homelessness in Frankston City (Medium).jpg

Homelessness isn't just rough sleeping.

On any given night, around 30 people sleep on the streets, parks, or foreshore in the Frankston City municipality. There are many more sleeping on someone’s couch, in their cars, in crisis accommodation, rooming houses, or overcrowded dwellings.

Homelessness is not a choice, and it can happen to anyone.

Homelessness is not a choice, there are several complex and diverse, reasons and situations that can lead a person or a family to experience homelessness or be at risk of homelessness. 

The causes of homelessness are often misunderstood. A chronic shortage of social housing, an increasingly unaffordable private rental market, and inadequate income support means a struggle to find a secure and affordable place to live. 

In Victoria, the top three reasons for people seeking homelessness and housing assistance are financial difficulties, family and domestic violence, and the housing crisis. 

People most at risk of homelessness include young people, women and children impacted by family and domestic violence, Aboriginal people, older people, and veterans, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and persons with a disability.