Apply for a wedding ceremony permit

You must have a permit to hold a wedding on Council owned or managed land. Please visit our event applications and information page to learn more about the application process. 

Areas where a permit is required

You will need to apply for a permit if your event will take place on Council owned or managed land within the municipality. This includes, but is not limited to: 

  • parks and reserves
  • foreshore
  • city centre or CAA
  • car parks
  • streets 
  • nature strips.

Please download and read the Terms & Conditions - Weddings(PDF, 312KB) carefully as conditions may vary for your event. If you are unsure whether you require a permit, please contact us for more information.

Apply online

Step 1.Register through our online portal

You will need to register through our online Bookings Manager portal before you apply online. Once your account has been validated you will be able to log in and make a new booking.

Register now

Step 2.Prepare your application

Your application must include:

  • Site map
  • Risk management plan
  • Public Liability Insurance for the event organiser and your event.
    Please note insurance policies must have Frankston City Council listed as an interested party. There may also be requirement to list Parks Victoria or DELWP on your insurance.
  • COVIDSafe Event Plan
  • Traffic Management plan, which includes vehicle movement on your site as well as any road closures
  • Waste management plan explaining how waste and recycling at your event will be managed, including during and after the event
  • Confirmation that your event complies with Council’s Waste Wise Events Policy (see related documents for summary)
  • Ensure your risk assessment and event plan outline how you will adhere to Council's child safe policy.

Please note that additional documents may be required to support your application. Please visit our event applications and information page to learn more.

Step 3.Create your booking

Log in through the Bookings Manager portal to:

  • create your event booking
  • make changes to an existing booking.

Log in

Step 4.What happens next?

We will contact you to notify you of the outcome of your application.