Report a concern
How to report a concern
If a Child or Young Person’s immediate safety is compromised or they are in immediate risk of danger or harm please call the Police on 000.
If your concern is related to the conduct of a Frankston City Council employee, volunteer, contractor or anyone doing work in a Council facility or work on behalf of Council please contact us via:
You can also report your concerns about the conduct of any workforce member to the Commission for Children and Young People via:
For any other child safety concerns contact the Child Protection South Division Intake service on 1300 655 795 or after hours on 13 12 78.
All reports made to Frankston City Council will be treated seriously and responded to in accordance with our legal obligations.
If your concern is related to:
- A complaint about a Council service, program or event
- A complaint about the way a prior concern was handled
- The conduct of a child or young person at a Frankston City Council service, program or event
- General concerns about the safety of a group of children or young people at a Council service, program or event
Visit our Customer Complaints page for details on how to lodge your complaint.