Live Streaming of Council Meetings on Monday, 24 March
Live Streaming allows you to watch and listen to the meeting in real time, giving you greater access to Council decision making and debate and improving openness and transparency. You can view all previous Council Meetings live via Council's Vimeo live stream archive.
Please note: Council has recently moved from Livestream to Vimeo as the platform for viewing our council meetings online. If you had alerts set up on Livestream you may also wish to set these up within Vimeo. Vimeo links to view council meetings online will be available on our website and shared on council social media pages as usual.
Monday, 24 March 7:00pm
Archives of meetings will be published on Council’s website generally within three (3) business days after the meeting date for the public’s future reference.
When the Council Meetings are open to members of the public, every care will be taken to maintain privacy. As far as practically possible, it is not intended that there be either live or recorded footage of the public or Media personnel, however, there might be incidental capture; for example footage of a person exiting the building depending on which camera is being used at the time, or audio recording of a person who interjects the meeting. Council officers who address Council will be heard and may be seen on the live audio stream, and audio of them speaking will be recorded.
Council will make every reasonable effort to ensure that a live stream and recording is available. There may be situations where, due to technical difficulties beyond Council’s control a live stream or recording may not be available. Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure the availability of live streaming and recordings of meetings, and of Council’s website.
Appropriate signage will be placed at the entrance to the meeting location notifying all attendees that the meeting will be streamed live and recorded.
It is not intended that public speakers will be visible in a live stream of a meeting. Cameras are to be positioned so that members of the public are not visible. If you do not wish to be recorded you will need to contact the Councillors Office on telephone (03) 9768 1632 or via email to discuss alternative options prior to the meeting.
Contact Us
Councillors Office
Frankston City Council
30 Davey Street
Frankston 3199.
P. 03 9768 1632