Nepean Boulevard Precinct Revitalisation

The Opportunity
Launching a new era for Frankston City as the capital of the south east Melbourne region, a bold reimagining of Nepean Highway into a people centric boulevard of housing, hospitality and retail opportunities will signify the precincts role as the heart of a rejuvenated Frankston city centre.
Focussing on the 3.7km stretch of roadway along Nepean Highway Frankston from Mile Bridge (Overton Road) in the north through Frankston’s city centre to Olivers Hill Lookout in the south, the Nepean Boulevard Precinct Revitalisation is a strategic vision that repositions the role of the arterial roadway for greater community and economic outcomes.
With a high commercial vacancy rate, developers and businesses ready to take advantage of the precinct’s prime city-beach location and the city centre’s strategic planning framework near in place, the time to revolutionise Nepean Highway is now.
What will be delivered
Through our partnerships with Federal and State Governments, we can:
- Establish a remarkably welcoming arrival from the northern Kananook Creek Park and Gateway Site that celebrates the unique natural environment while providing safe and accessible walking and cycling connections.
- Improve road safety for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists by upgrading the Overton Road and Nepean Highway intersection with traffic signalisation, improved footpath connectivity and links to the existing Kananook Creek Trail.
- Reimagine the role of the historically significant Comfort Station located adjacent to the hospitality favourite Playne Street, creating a popular new location to stop and enjoy.
- Provide the platform for outdoor dining, retail and social opportunities to flourish through central median greening and landscaping improvements and improved active travel connections from coast to city.
- Connect the Bay Trail to the Frankston Waterfront for pedestrians and cyclists, enabling a more enjoyable, safer and welcoming visitor experience between municipalities.
- Create new active recreation experiences and improve safety for all road and pathway users by delivering a new shared user path on the western side of Nepean Highway from Pier Promenade to Olivers Hill Waterfront.
To learn more about Council’s vision for Nepean Boulevard, view the Masterplan.Connecting City, Creek & Coast - A Masterplan for Nepean Boulevard - Report - September 2024(PDF, 111MB).
What we need
Council has already delivered $2.05 million towards improvements along Nepean Highway, with an additional $5.2 million allocated in the coming years towards additional works within the precinct to deliver on the boulevard vision.
We are seeking a funding commitment of $10 million or greater from the Victorian and Federal Governments to deliver signature projects identified within the Nepean Boulevard Precinct Masterplan. Below details the total cost of each initiative identified within this package:
- Kananook Creek Park and Gateway Site - $4.2 million
- Overton Road Signalised Crossing and Intersection - $3.1 million
- Comfort Station Activation - $2.8 million
- Central Median Greening Landscaping Improvements - $2.3 million
- Waterfront Shared User Path Connection - $2.4 million
- Southern Path Connection and Median Planting - $5.2 million.
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