Community Satisfaction Survey

Each year the Council seeks feedback from its residents on a broad range of issues, services and facilities that Council provides. The responses we receive from this annual survey assist Council in measuring the satisfaction and importance of service delivery, governance and leadership and overall performance. It provides the opportunity to reflect and adjust as we plan for the future.

Frankston City Council have contracted Metropolis Research to conduct and analyse the survey- from 2021 to 2024. Metropolis Research also survey Melbourne Metro and the southeastern region and can compare Frankston’s results where possible. 800 households were surveyed face to face, with respondents representing the demographic makeup of the municipality.

Overall Satisfaction
Council Performance
Highest Satisfaction scores
Areas of Concern
Biggest Changes to Satisfaction Scores
Perception of Safety
Top 3 Issues in 2024
Most Important Areas for Improvement
Sense of Community Increased Satisfaction
Explore the Data

Overall Satisfaction

Satisfaction levels are scored from 0 (least) to 10 (most) and the score overall has held steady for the past three years. Frankston’s satisfaction levels are above the average for Melbourne Metro and South East Councils and have been for the past three years


Council Performance

Survey respondents were asked to evaluate the overall Council performance in the last 12 months. A total of 14% agreed that performance has improved and 7% said performance had deteriorated. Nearly 60% recording performance has stayed the same. Melbourne Metro had an average of 14% saying performance had deteriorated

What Services or Facilities have the highest satisfaction scores?

Libraries and various waste collections scored well with most increasing in satisfaction from last year.

These service areas or facilities caused concern in this year’s survey

Housing affordability and availability and planning scored lower satisfaction scores as did parking enforcement and public toilets. Whilst these areas have seen a decline in satisfaction score, apart from the affordability of housing (very poor) all other areas scored either solid (6-6.5) or good (6.5-7.25) satisfaction levels.

Which satisfaction scores changed the most?

Biggest increases in satisfaction were seen in drains and parks and gardens. Whilst satisfaction for services for children (birth to 5 years) increased, there was a 10% decline for youth services. Satisfaction in public toilets and housing services decreased.

Perception of Safety

The overall perception of safety has decreased to 7.6 out of 10. This is slightly lower than Metro Melbourne and South East Council’s – both scoring 7.7 in total. Perception of safety increased at the beach and foreshore and in our parks and open spaces

Males' perception of safety has been steadily increasing whereas Females’ scores have been decreasing and are below Males. Perception of safety increased for our Senior citizens (75 yrs+) but decreased for Young Adults (18-34 yrs) and Older Adults (55-74 yrs).

Top 3 Issues in 2024

Safety, crime and policing appear as the top issues with all respondents. Roads maintenance and repairs were also a top issue within the survey, but upon deeper analysis are more reflective of the VicRoads arterials and less on Councils local roads

What is the most important thing for Council to improve?

Respondents want Council to continue to improve their communication, consultation and engagement. Next important improvement should be safety and policing

Increased Satisfaction with Sense of Community

Respondents were more satisfied this year on seven aspects of “Sense of Community”. This includes elements such as: child-friendly, being proud of and enjoy living in the area and supportive of diverse cultures. More satisfied in Frankston compared to Melbourne Metro

Explore the data

The Metropolis Research report can be accessed here: Community Satisfaction Survey 2024 - Frankston City Council