Your vision for Frankston City
Published on 18 March 2024
In 2024, Frankston City Council is gearing up for an exceptional year of community engagement, focusing on critical strategic plans that will shape the future of our City.
This month, Council launches our engagement to check in with the community about our Community Vision 2040. We are asking our community to share whether the Vision still reflects your aspirations and needs, and give feedback on how the Vision has been delivered so far.
Our Community Vision shapes Council’s decision-making, and delivery of services and programs outlined in other key strategic documents, like the Council Plan, Asset Plan, and Financial Plan. We want to know if the current plans still reflect your needs, and how we adapt to our changing community and circumstances through an updated Vision and new Council Plan.
“Our Community Vision is the guiding compass for all of Council’s decisions. It’s our flagship document, influencing decision-making and planning for the next 20 years,” said Deputy Mayor Liam Hughes.
Until 31 May 2024, Council invites Frankston City residents to have their say on the future of life in Frankston City, sharing what’s important for themselves, their families and the community. You're invited to participate in pop-ups, drop-in sessions, workshops, and online forums.
“The upcoming Community Vision engagement is an opportunity for everyone in Frankston City to join the conversation and shape our shared future. It captures the community's aspirations, ensuring our people are at the centre of everything we do,” said Deputy Mayor Hughes.
Council is also facilitating a representative Community Council from September to November, leading in-depth discussions about our City's future, ensuring diverse voices contribute to the decision-making process.
“I encourage every resident to participate in shaping our shared future,” urged Deputy Mayor Hughes. “Your insights are invaluable in crafting a vibrant and inclusive community for the coming decades.”
To learn more, have your say and express interest in joining our Community Panel, visit