Council Meeting Highlights - Monday 29 June 2020

Published on 10 July 2020

Planning Permit Application 38/2019/P - 383-389 Nepean Highway Frankston – To construct a nine storey building with basement for use as a Food and Drink premises, office and accommodation. The application also sought a reduction in car parking requirements. – Refused

Town Planning Application 99/2013/P/C - 25 Oliphant Way Seaford - To amend the planning permit to increase the patron numbers, change the operating hours of the existing restricted recreation facility and use the land for the sale land consumption of liquor (restaurant and cafe licence) – Approved

11.3 – Sought an amendment to an approved development plan in accordance with the Carrum Downs Outline Development Plan – Approved – however has the applicant not already a review VCAT, this request would have been refused.

11.4 – Council noted the findings and recommendations of the draft Industrial Land Strategy Review – Frankston City Industrial Precincts prepared by Charter Keck Cramer. Some key recommendations included:

  • The development of a strategic vision and program of actions to facilitate the renewal of aged industrial stock and ageing precincts
  • Advocating for improved bus services
  • The development of a shared cycle path through Lathams Road connecting Peninsula Link Trail
  • Addressing disorderly use of sighs via local law enforcement

A report on this will be presented to Council no later than 21 September 2020.

11.5 – Council received the May 2020 Planning and Environmental Progress Report

12.1 – Council note the Notices of Motion Report for June 29 2020, along with the Urgent Business Report for June 2020.

12.2 – Council appointed the Manager Community Strengthening Department as its member to the Board of Management for Frankston Football Club for the remaining interim arrangements, until 27 December 2020. A report will be considered at the December 2020 Ordinary Meeting, to decide whether Council’s membership on the Board should continue in a non-voting capacity once the interim arrangements cease.

12.3 – The following Committee Minutes for the Executive Management Team were received:

  • Customer Consultative Committee – 29 October 2019
  • Frankston Football Club Inc. - 20 March 2020
  • Frankston Football Club Inc. – 17 April 2020

12.4 – Council received the Minutes of the Frankston Arts Board for 18 February, 27 April and 26 May 2020.

12.5 – Council agreed on the delegation of powers to Council staff which allow them to undertake certain functions on behalf of Council, in line with Section 11 (1) of the Local Government Act 2020 and the other legislation referred to in S6. Instrument of Delegation - Council to members of Council staff.

12.6 – Council adopted it’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) 2020-2030 and noted that the immediate and short-term financial impacts of the COVID‐19 were incorporated in the plan through the setting aside of a $6.434 million as a once‐off care package available in the 2020‐2021 financial year.

12.7 – Council adopted its Rating Strategy 2020-2021 and noted that strategy applies the differential rates for Acacia Heath and Springhill properties, however the application at each budget in the future. 

12.8 – Council noted the amendment to the Rates and Charges Hardship Policy, to support its $200 once-off rate waiver, offered to eligible residents as part of its $6.434 million COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Package.

12.9 – Council noted its responsibility to review its Procurement Policy annually under Section 186A of the Local Government Act 1989.

12.10 – Council noted the draft Appointments and Authorisations Policy, which will be placed on public exhibition for a term of six weeks, after which a report will be presented back to Council no later than 21 September 2020.

12.11 – Council noted the Councillor Expense Reimbursement Policy and Councillor Expense Reimbursement Protocol were publicly exhibited for a term of six weeks with no written submissions received. Council endorsed to adopt both documents, which will come into effect from 1 September 2020.

12.12 – Council noted the draft Council Expenses Policy and draft Public Transparency Policy, which will be put on public exhibition for a term of four weeks, after which a report will be presented to Council no later than 31 August 2020 for consideration prior to formal adoption.

12.13 – Council noted its draft Governance Policy, which will be placed on public exhibition for a term of four weeks, after which a report will be presented back to Council at its 20 July Ordinary Meeting for consideration prior to formal adoption.

12.14 – Council noted the updates in the Accountability and Transparency Reform (ATR) document, further noting that items will be actioned and in place by December 2020. Council also agreed that items which have an ongoing obligation will be raised within Council’s Legislative Compliance system and a summary provided in the CEO’s report.

12.15 – Following a five week public exhibition, resulting in 24 written submission, Council formally adopted its Urban Forest Action Plan. Council referred $121,000, to be considered at the 2020-2021 mid-year budget review for the implementation of year one initiatives.

12.16 – Council adopted its Long Term Infrastructure Plan 2020-2030, noting that several projects had been nominated to be submitted for a government sponsored low rate loan, as part of the Victorian Government’s Community Sports Infrastructure Loans Scheme, including Eric Bell Reserve Pavilion Redevelopment and Kevin Collopy Pavilion works.

12.17 – Council adopted the Asset Management Strategy 2020-2024, noting that it was publicly exhibited for a term of six weeks with no written submissions received.

12.18 – Council noted a report outlining its response to the impacts of COVID-19, which similar reports to be presented at each Ordinary Meeting for the foreseeable future.

12.19 – Council noted the progress on the development of a new Signature Event for Frankston, and supported the concept of an arts, culture and heritage event. Expression of Interest documentation will be prepared identifying local content for the event which is anticipated to commence no later than August 2022.

12.20 – Council received an update on the South East Melbourne (SEM) group discussion relating to a City Deal development.

12.21 – Council noted the results and summary of further community consultation carried out between 27 February and 20 March 2020 regarding the Sweetwater Precinct Local Area Traffic Management, and adopted the revised LATM treatments for the precinct as detailed in the revised plan. Further to this, Council:

  • Noted a total budget of $806,000 will be available in the 2020-2021 Capital Works Program to implement the treatments, and supported the monitoring of traffic speeds and behaviour for a period of 12 months
  • Agreed to continue to promote the use of Crime Stoppers as an effective tool to reduce incidents of irresponsible and anti-social driving behaviour in the precinct

12.22 – Council noted the historic and cultural value of Kananook Creek as a community asset and agreed to take a lead role in its future governance on behalf of residents. Council will invite   state government departments including DELWP, Parks Victoria, Better Boating Victoria and Melbourne Water, along with key community groups to be part of a Kananook Creek Governance Group. Terms of Reference for the group will be reported to Council no later than September 2020. A separate report regarding a trial dredging program to manage sediment at the entrance of the Creek will be presented to Council in October 2021.

12.23 – Council noted the funding commitments in the Long Term Infrastructure Plan 2020-2030 for Monterey Soccer Pavilion and Pat Rollo Pavilion, which due to their additional funding requirements will be submitted to the 2020-2021 Community Sports Infrastructure Stimulus Program.

12.24 – Council received and noted the internal audit report on the planning process relative to the Casey City Council IBAC investigation, and will publish a separate report highlighting the key outcomes of the internal report on its website.

13.1 – Council noted the progress update report in response to NOM 1389, Ballam Park Precinct Improvements, which included positive outcomes following a six week community consultation program. The report highlighted that Council had been successful in securing $3 million for the proposed Entrance Precinct Improvement works as part of Community Infrastructure Loan Scheme, with detail designs to commence as part of the Capital Works Program 2020-2021. Council authorised officers to commence community consultation on the proposed Ballam Park Integrated Water Treatment as part of second round consultation. A report will be presented to Council in 2021. As part of the Entrance Improvements, Council will explore the addition of a history trail component. Council asked the CEO to engage the Bureau of Meteorology regarding the installation of an information panel at the site of the new weather station at Ballam Park, as previously agreed.

13.2 – Council noted the key learnings from the evaluation of the Robinsons Road Recycled Water Scheme (Stage 1) and the findings of the feasibility study, committing to participate in the development of a business case with South East Water for Tyabb and Somerville Recycled Water Scheme to provide recycled water to Lawton Reserve. $50,000 has been made available in the 2020-2021 Capital Works Program to undertake planning and design, and $600,000 has been allocated in the draft Long Term Infrastructure Plan to undertake the required works.

13.3 – The internal audit report relating to the proposed sale of Evelyn Street was received, and a separate report highlighting key findings to be published on Council’s website.

13.4 – Council noted a report responding to Notice of Motion 60 (2019) seeking the costs associated with a potential planning scheme amendment to introduce a two storey mandatory height limit in Seaford Township, and referred $40,000 to the 2020-2021 mid-year Budget review for to undertake a built form analysis of the Township, as outlined in the report.

Urgent Business

Council agreed to appoint Cr Glenn Aitken as Council Representative on the Council delegation regarding the lease/licencing arrangements for the Belvedere Precinct Facility following Cr Colin Hampton’s withdrawal.

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