Council Meeting highlights – 10 August 2020

Published on 18 August 2020

The Mayor, Cr Sandra Mayer presented a verbal report of the ABM Committee Meeting and MAV Mayoral forum held on Thursday 30 July 2020. Council also received a Delegates Report by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Cr Steve Toms who participated in either coaching sessions or a workshop on Bullying and Harassment.

11.1 – Town Planning Application 21/2020/P - To construct an eight storey mixed use building and carry out works in a Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z) and Special Building Overlay (SBO) and to provide some of the car parking spaces on another site at 12 Balmoral Walk Frankston 3199 – deferred

12.1 – Council received the following reports for 10 August 2020

  • The Notice of Motion Report
  • urgent Business Status Update

A total of four Notices of Motion were reported as complete. These included:

  • 2019/NOM37 - Overport Park
  • 2019/NOM49 - Glyphosate Herbicide
  • 2020/NOM10 – Reforms
  • 2020/NOM16 – Proposed Laneway Festival (Lost as per Council Resolution at its 20 July 2020 OM)

Council further noted that since the Ordinary Meeting held on 20 July 2020, 45 resolutions have been completed.

12.2 – The 10 August 2020 report titled Update on Coronavirus was noted. As part of the report, Council supported the discontinuation of deployment of staff to Impact Volunteering for 12 months, deeming it no longer required. Council also approved the waiving of license fees and charges for Karingal PLACE and Ebdale Hub tenants for the period 17 March 2020 – 31 August 2020, along with a waiver of further monthly charges during the current financial year until both premises are able to resume occupation.

12.3 – Council noted and endorsed the Draft Councillor Induction Policy to be placed on public exhibition for a period of four weeks, and requested that a report be presented back to Council no later than the 21 September 2020 taking into consideration any feedback received. Council further noted that the Policy would be updated once the amended Local Government Regulations comes into operation.

12.4 – Council endorsed Community Engagement Policy to be publicly exhibited from 11 Aug 2020 to 8 Sep 2020 and supported the development of a Community Vision 2040. The engagement plan for the Vision and Council Plan 2021–2025 was approved. Council further noted that a report for the approval of the long-term Community Engagement Policy was to be presented back to Council by March 2021 and should include information on:

  • Formal trigger points for differing consultative/engagement methods depending on the matter being considered; and
  • Modernisation and enhancement of Council’s engagement and public relations outreach practices, resourcing and technologies

12.5 – Council noted the public consultation results for 2020-2024 Domestic Animal Management Plan and adopted it along with the Action Plan. Council will now submit the Plan to the Department of Agriculture in accordance with the Domestic Animals Act 1994.

Council further noted that a noticeable increase in dog waste was likely the result of more people working from home and authorised the CEO to utilise funds within the existing budget to install stencils (on footpaths)  and stickers (on bins) to encouraging people to clean up after their dogs and to warn of penalties. The CEO will also increase the cleaning frequency of dog waste in prominent parks and reserves.

12.6 – Council noted that the draft Paths Development Plan 2020 has been publicly exhibited for a period of six weeks, with 47 submissions received. Council will notify submitters of their decision to adopt the Plan.

12.7 – A Community Engagement Plan for the development of the Biodiversity Action Plan was endorsed with a report to be presented to Council in February 2021, subject to any potential delays associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

12.8 – The Audit and Risk Committee Charter adopted by Council on 16 December 2019 was revoked, as was the Audit and Risk Committee established by Council under subsection 139(1) of the Local Government Act 1989. Council has now, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020, establishes an Audit and Risk Committee which became effective on August 2020.

12.9 – Council noted the Draft Property Strategy and Plan and endorsed accompanying Community Engagement Plan. The Strategy will be placed on public exhibited for a period of 5 weeks, commencing 11 August 2020 until 15 September 2020 and consultation will include proactive engagement of existing tenants of Council assets. A report on this item will be presented to Council no later than February 2021 and will take into account any submissions received.

Council further noted that work is being undertaken to establish current utilisation of Council assets, and that a report would be provided back to Council no later than March 2021. All future leases of Council assets will include a solvency test/mechanism to that groups have the capacity to pay Council lease fees and are charging fair and equitable fees onto users. This mechanism is anticipated to be considered in a report to Council at the December 2020 Ordinary Meeting, pending no COVID-19 related delays.

12.10 – Council noted the 2019-2020 key performance indicator results for the Frankston Visitor Information Centre were not achieved and that the cost per enquiry has increased from $12.52 (2018-2019) to $24.27 (2019-2020) based on approved budget expenditure.

12.11 – Council adopted the recommended Local Area Traffic Management Plan for the Hartnett Precinct.

12.12 – Council noted and considered the business case prepared by Downs Estate Community Project (DECP) for the retention of the existing farmhouse, and deferred their decision on whether to recommission it until DECP and University of Melbourne (UOM) complete a Business Case for the entire site including proposed use of the building. Council will also engage with both tiers of government on funding options and solutions for the retention of the farmhouse. A report detailing the outcomes of both matters will be presented no later than February 2021, pending no COVID-19 related delays.

12.13 – A proposal from the Level Crossing Removal Program (LCRP) to hand over newly created community assets to Council, subject to agreement on handover details and receiving a contribution of $3.5 million towards complementary projects was accepted by Council. Officers were authorised to complete negotiations with LCRP and other government agencies on the details of the handover including access, management and maintenance arrangements. The CEO was authorised to execute a Memorandum of Understanding to give effect to the handover under the arrangements agreed to above, incorporating additional maintenance and operating expenses of $265,700 in future annual budgets to recognise the additional assets and services.

Council noted that to date it has contributed $25,000 to the design phase of the Kananook Creek Arboretum, and instructed officers to prepare a cost analysis to ensure full costs can be met for all elements of the project by the LCRP. Should there be a shortfall from the LCRP funding towards the project, the analysis is to determine what level of allocated Council funding may be additionally required. A report will be presented at the February 2021 Council Meeting outlining.

12.14 – The contract to reconstruct number two soccer pitch at Lawton Reserve was awarded to Hendriksen Contractors Pty Ltd for $657,226.00 excluding GST.

12.15 – Council noted its joint Submission of the Regional Local Government Charter Group to the Australian Government's Inquiry into Homelessness in Australia and endorsed that is be named as a contributor.

12.16 – Council noted a petition relating to the expansion of a Place of Worship at 6 Leisureland Drive, Langwarrin containing 74 signatures. Council further noted that any expansion would be subject to further planning permission. The head petitioner will be advised that:

  • The most recent expansion of the facility was approved by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, despite Council’s refusal of the application, and that Council is aware of the impact that incremental and unplanned expansion of non-residential uses can have on neighbours in residential areas.
  • That Council does not have power to roll back the approval ordered to be issued by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
  • That Council will determine the nature of its representation at any future VCAT hearings for matters concerning this land according to the complexity and issues presented by the application
  • That Council will continue to monitor the land for compliance with planning permit conditions.

13.1 – In response to the Notice of Motion titled Creation of Employment Opportunities, Council noted that there is a significant amount of policy work that has been approved to be undertaken over the next eighteen months in relation to this matter. Council further noted that the following strategic initiatives were currently underway:

  • A Revitalisation Vision and Action Plan, in collaboration with the Office of Suburban Development to support funded initiatives over the next 10 years in the city centre.
  • A draft Sustainable Economy Policy and Strategy is being developed, with a report to be submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council in January 2021
  • The development of A Health and Education Precinct Action Plan, for which a briefing is scheduled for Councillor Discussion in January 2021

As part of this item, Council also approved the development of an Industrial Precinct Revitalisation Action Plan and the exploration and feasibility of a Red Tape Process Reform Project. In addition, Council supported the Think Tank Project and approved the repurposing of $50,000 from the Community Care Package (currently allocated to sanitisation of the homeless shower) to establish five $10,000 innovation grants to support implementation of ideas arising from the project.

Notices of Motion

2020/NOM17 - Park Bench Memoriam for Pat Bentley – moved by Cr Toms

Council agreed to investigate the installation of a park bench memoriam, paying tribute to Pat Bentley and her service to the community. A report will be presented back to Council at its 31 August 2020 Ordinary Meeting providing indicative costings, including for a plaque to be placed on an existing park bench and a proposed timeframe for its installation.

2020/NOM18 - COVID-19 Recovery Initiatives – moved by Cr Bolam

Council noted that financial hardship extends to ratepayers beyond those receiving Centrelink unemployment benefit and requested that a report be prepared by no later than September 2020  to identify the feasibility of extending support and options to ratepayers who are experiencing financial hardship beyond this cohort.

Support also supported an extension of the current rate deferral provisions in it Rates Hardship Policy, and as a result will not raise penalty interest on overdue rates payments until 30 June 2021 or pursue legal costs relating to new and existing debt recovery until 30 June 2021.

Further to this, in preparation for the 2021–2022 Annual Budget, and in recognising the significant impact that COVID-19 is having on our local community, Council will consider the feasibility of the following initiatives and their possible extension and/or implementation in the 2021–2022 financial year:

  • Extending the current rate relief waiver
  • Waiving all food business registration fee renewals
  • Waiving fees for not-for-profit organisations hiring/leasing council facilities
  • Waiving fees for businesses that pay a-frame and general advertising signage fees
  • Explore the advantages and disadvantages of removing the differential rate applied to all Commercial and Industrial properties, and the benefits and implications of a freeze on Council rates
  • Place a hold of penalty interest on overdue rates and any dishonour fees incurred if a ratepayer defaults on direct debit payments
  • Advocating to the State Government to suspend or freeze its levies (i.e. Hard Waste Landfill Levy etc.) and service charges (i.e. VicRoads vehicle registration etc.) 
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