Council Meeting highlights – 20 July 2020

Published on 23 July 2020

Petitions: A Petition regarding the development of the Mosque at 6 Leisureland Drive Langwarrin containing 74 signatures was tabled.

Two Delegates Reports were received:

  • Frankston Revitalisation Board (presented by the Mayor)
  • Mayors and the State Government regarding COVID-19 (presented by the Mayor)

11.1: Planning Permit Application 197/2020/P - 439 Nepean Highway, Frankston - To use the land to sell packaged liquor – Approved

11.2: Town Planning Application 21/2020/P - To construct an eight (8) storey mixed use building and carry out works in a Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z) and Special Building Overlay (SBO) and to provide some of the car parking spaces on another site at 12 Balmoral Walk Frankston 3199 – Deferred to the August 10 Council Meeting

11.3: Council received the June 2020 Planning and Environmental Progress Report.

12.1: Council received it Resolution Status Update for 20 July 2020, which included the Notices of Motion Report, Urgent Business Status Update. A total of 11 Notices of Motion were reported as being complete.

12.2: Council received the following written records for the Assembly of Councillors on:

  • 13 May 2020 (Pre-Agenda Special Council Meeting)
  • 18 May 2020 (Councillor Briefing)
  • 25 May 2020 (Councillor Briefing)
  • 1 June 2020 (Pre-Agenda Council Meeting)
  • 9 June 2020 (Councillor Briefing)
  • 15 June 2020 (Pre-Agenda Special Council Meeting)
  • 17 June 2020 (Councillor Briefing)
  • 22 June 2020 (Councillor Briefing)
  • 24 June 2020 (Major Projects Advisory Committee
  • 29 June 2020 (Pre-Agenda Council Meeting)

12.3: The Minutes for the Frankston Arts Board (FAB) meeting on 30 June were received, which included a briefing on the changes to the Local Government Act 2020 and the approval for the FAB to transition to an Arts Advisory Committee.

12.4: Council endorsed the draft Governance Local Law 2020 for commencement of the statutory procedure for the making of a new local law. The law will be placed on public submission for a term of four weeks, and will be accompanied by a Community Impact Statement. Submission will be presented for consideration at a future Council meeting, which is expected to be on 31 August 2020.

12.5: Council noted that the proposed Community Local Law 2020 was advertised in accordance with the requirements of sections 119 and 223 of the Local Government Act 1989, with a total of eight written submission received. Having complied with requirements and following consideration of submission, Council resolved to make the Community Local Law 2020 for the following reasons:

  • To strengthen Council’s ability to address community concerns regarding the safe and fair use and enjoyment of public places
  • To protect and enhance the amenity and environment of the municipality
  • To ensure fair and reasonable use and enjoyment of private land
  • To improve the appropriateness of penalties for various offences

12.6: Council noted that the final declarations for the 2020 Council Elections will not be completed until Friday 13 November 2020, and resolved to reschedule the Special Statutory Meeting from Wednesday 11 November 2020 to Monday 16 November and advertise this change via a Public Notice and Council’s website.

12.7: Council endorsed the Regional Local Government Charter Homelessness and Social Housing.

12.8: Council adopted the Local Heritage Preservation Grant Guidelines, to administer the Local Heritage Preservation Grant Program. Applications will be open between 3 August 2020 and 30 October 2020. Applications will be assessed by the Heritage Assets and Promotion Committee and supported by nominated Council Officers. A report recommending successful applications will be presented to Council for approval at its meeting in March 2021.

12.9: The draft Property Strategy was deferred for consideration to the next ordinary Council Meeting in August.

12.10: Council noted the draft Frankston Play Strategy background report, and endorsed the first round of Community Engagement which will take place from 22 July 2020 to 19 August 2020. A report will be presented back to Council no later than 21 September 2020.

12.11: Council adopted the Policy and Strategy Forward Work Program, developed by the Department of Policy Planning and Environmental Strategies, noting the program takes into account the Caretaker provision requirements.

12.12: Council noted its updated COVID-19 Report, outlining its response to the impacts of Coronavirus. The report included a directive to repurposes the $130,000 allocated to provide free registration to health and food businesses when applying for a permit within three months (refer item 48 of the COVID-19 relief and recovery package adopted by Council at its Ordinary meeting 11 May 2020), to instead provide relief to small business and clubs when renewing their business registration in October 2020.

12.13: Notes the Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey results for 2020 for release to the community.

12.14: Council noted the Federal Government’s Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with a Disability issued a Rights and Attitudes discussion paper seeking community feedback, and supported its submission to the Royal Commission.

12.15: Council noted the detailed chronological history and complexity of the Frankston Yacht Club Activation Project, which provides a transparent account of the challenges faced with this project, and the significant progress in the past 12 months to activate the building. Council requested a project debrief report be returned no later than June 2021, following the entire building activation, that identifies the learnings of the project, from conception to completion, including key actions to address these in future major projects.

12.16: Contract 2019/20-85 was awarded to the following tenderers for Irrigation Minor Works for a two year fixed term

  • Marsh Developments Pty Ltd t/as Superior Green
  • Brown Dog Turf & Irrigation Pty Ltd
  • A Grade Irrigation Pty Ltd

12.17: Contract 2019/20-97 was awarded to the following tenderers for Stormwater Access Covers

  • SVC Products Pty Ltd
  • Straightmark Nominees t/as Road Safety Grating
  • Straightmark Nominees t/as Road Safety Grating
  • Terra Firma Industries Pty Ltd
  • Straightmark Nominees t/as Road Safety Grating
  • SVC Products Pty Ltd

13.1: Council supported the development of a Complaints Policy that enhances the independence of internal reviews, as per the Local Government Act 2020, by the December 2020 Council Meeting.

Notices of Motion

14.1: 2020/NOM14 - Recognition to Government for Funding Assistance – moved by Cr Aitken

Council carried a motion to write to both the Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable Scott Morrison and the Premier of Victoria, the Honourable Daniel Andrews, expressing appreciation for funding allocations for both public and Frankston City Council works within the municipality throughout this term of Council.

14.2: 2020/NOM15 - Rooming House Reform Advocacy – moved by Cr Aitken

Council carried a motion write to the Premier, Opposition Leader and Local Members of Parliament to appeal to the Victorian State Government to review and amend the policies, legislation and regulations to make all necessary changes to empower Local Government to ensure:

  • Private building surveyors are required to notify Council and neighbours of a property whose owner has plans for a rooming house development
  • Private building surveyors are required to advise Council and neighbours of an approval to build prior to works commencing or issuing of an Occupancy Permit

Council will also write to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission to seek support to redress the experienced inequalities of human rights resulting from the impact of poorly considered and managed rooming house developments. Furthermore, Council will submit a draft motion to the Municipal Association Victoria seeking legislative and regulatory reform to enable Local Government to better manage the impact of rooming houses and notify all State MPs that represent the Frankston municipality, to inform them of Council’s actions and seek their active support.

14.3: 2020/NOM16 - Proposed Laneway Festival – moved by Cr Toms

This motion, which sought to explore with local traders the opportunities, benefits and costs of a regular ‘laneway festival’ in Frankston’s city centre over the summer period was lost.

Urgent Business

Cr Cunial raised Urgent Business seeking Council to formally censure Councillor Steve Toms for his recent social media post that had potentially contravened Frankston City Council policies and the Councillor Code of Conduct. This motion was carried.

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