Fox Control Program
Published on 24 March 2021
Foxes in Frankston City
Foxes are an issue throughout Australia, particularly in urban areas including throughout Melbourne and Frankston City. While mostly nocturnal they can be seen early in the morning returning from the night’s foraging. They are omnivorous predators, scavenging from bins, eating fruit and insects and preying upon native wildlife and small domestic animals like chickens. Foxes are timid and tend to avoid people and non-prey animals, however as they are quite stealthy they can live in close proximity to people without their knowledge. Foxes are typically found in greater numbers within urban areas than within bushland areas due to the easy availability of food scraps and shelter.
Fox Control Program
Frankston City Council routinely carries out fox control programs in strategic locations within the municipality to reduce pressure on native wildlife and minimise the likelihood of local extinction of some of our unique and threatened animals. It is not possible to undertake programs everywhere a fox is observed. Council targets our highest conservation value reserves where any fox living or foraging within the surrounding area may be caught as they travel long distances overnight. Sites are selected based on evidence of fox presence, impacts on native wildlife and ability to control public access.
Frankston City’s fox control programs operate under permit from the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources and in compliance with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986. Soft-jaw leg-hold traps are used to catch the fox, which is then humanely euthanized on the spot in accordance with methods approved under permit by the Minister of Agriculture. Baiting and shooting are not used.
Council undertakes regular fox control programs in the below reserves as they are of high conservation value with significant flora and fauna, and are able to be closed to the public during the program.
- Paratea Flora and Fauna Reserve
- Bunarong Park
- Studio Park
- Seaford Wetlands
- Stringybark Reserve
- Flame Robin Reserve
Signage will be placed at all entrances and notification sent to directly adjoining residents prior to the commencement of the program and reserve closure.
This season’s program will be conducted from the 15th to the 29th of March 2021 at Bunarong Park and Paratea Flora and Fauna Reserve.
Frankston Council apologises for any inconvenience caused by the reserve closure.
How can you help?
Things to help prevent foxes on private property:
- Lock up chickens, pet rabbits, guinea pigs etc in a secure enclosure overnight
- Ensure bins are secure with closed lids
- Do not leave pet food outside
- Remove fruit from the ground which has dropped from fruit trees
- Cover your compost heap or use a compost bin
- Ensure your property is well maintained by keeping grass and weeds low, closing sheds and blocking access underneath your property to prevent foxes taking refuge.
Things you should not do:
- Do not encourage foxes by feeding them
- Do not feed wildlife
- Do not poison foxes
- Do not set traps without a permit – most traps are prohibited under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986
Foxes are declared as an Established Pest Animal in Victoria under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994. Under this act, landowners are responsible for the control of foxes private property. If you have an active fox den on your property, please contact a local pest control company.
More information can be found via the Agriculture Victoria website.
Contact Us
Frankston City Council
30 Davey Street
Frankston 3199
P. 1300 322 322