Information about Frankston City Council’s Waste Charge

Published on 09 May 2024


Like the majority of Victorian Councils, Frankston City utilises a waste management charge, under the Local Government Act 1989, to fund critical services such as waste collection, disposal and recycling, landfill rehabilitation, street cleaning, dumped rubbish and graffiti management. 

These charges are reported to the Essential Services Commission by all local government organisations each year. 

New guidelines were introduced by the Victorian Government in December 2023, seeking to create consistency across all local government about what is included in these charges. This was the first time the State Government identified which of these critical services operated by Council should NOT be included in a waste levy. 

The guidelines now available from the State Government are now clear and FCC supports these changes and will continue to be transparent about what is included in our charges going forward. We have worked through the impact of new guidelines which will be reflected in the Annual Budget for the financial year 2025/26. 

Residents have not been overcharged for any waste services. Frankston City Council’s waste management charge has actually decreased in 2023-2024 and is expected to decrease again in the 2024-2025 year.

Last year alone Council collected and processed almost 70,000 tonnes of landfill waste, recycling and food & garden waste and removed almost 40,000 square metres of graffiti across the municipality. 

Details on the Waste Charge is available on Council’s Transparency Hub.

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