Have your say on the future of Frankston City
Published on 19 August 2020
Council is creating a Community Vision and is inviting residents and visitors to share their aspirations for Frankston City’s future.
Through a survey and online workshop which are now open, Council is asking those who live, work and play locally, what they value about the City and what they want it to be like in 2040.
Frankston City Mayor, Sandra Mayer, encouraged the community to get involved.
“I understand this is an usually difficult and stressful time for so many of you and it might be hard to think about the future, but we have so much to look forward to.
“If you live, work or play locally and are in a position to contribute, now is your chance to share your vision for the City over the next 20 years.”
Once the initial consultation is complete, a Community Panel of diverse community members will be established by an independent consultant.
The panel will meet in November to review responses and further imagine and plan for the future of Frankston City.
A Community Vision is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 and provides Council a great opportunity to engage broadly and deeply with the community.
The community’s vision for the future will be considered in strategic planning and decision making, including the next Council Plan (2021-25).
“This is your opportunity to shape our shared future,” Cr Mayer said.
“This vision will be created and owned by the community, and will help Council ensure its decisions are in line with your aspirations for our City.”
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and will close at 5pm on Friday 18 September.
A draft Frankston City 2040 Community Vision will be presented for public consultation in March 2021.
How can I participate?
To participate in the Frankston City 2040 Community Vision Survey or to register for an online workshop visit: frankston.vic.gov.au/frankstoncity2040
If you have any questions regarding the Community Vision 2040 or wish to request a phone interview of a hardcopy of the survey, then please contact us by:
Email: frankstoncity2040@frankston.vic.gov.au
Phone: 1300 322 322 and ask for the Social Policy and Planning team