Renewed kerbside waste collection contract supports Council's 2025 carbon neutral target

Published on 24 December 2020

Council has extended its kerbside waste collection contract with Solo Resource Recovery until 2022, with a number of inclusions to assist Council in becoming carbon neutral by 2025.

Delivering increased value to ratepayers, Solo Resource Recovery will provide the following initiatives at the current contract rates: 

  • Doubling of carbon offset for its collection vehicles, assisting Council in achieving its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2025
  • A fully electric education vehicle to promote Council’s kerbside food waste collection service and recycling education messages
  • A Solo Resource Recovery waste education ‘champion’ to assist Council with targeted community education program
  • A three month trial of an electric kerbside collection vehicle which will also support education promotion and carbon emission offsets

Deputy Mayor, Cr Nathan Conroy, said the kerbside waste collection contract delivered powerful support for Council's financial and environmental goals.

“For the same price, Council has secured important extra value for its residents and the local environment,” Cr Conroy said.

“The added carbon offsets and education opportunities in this contract send a strong message to the community about how dedicated Council and Solo Resource Recovery are to their environmental responsibilities.”

Council Manager Waste and Recycling, Bruce Howden, said the long-term partnership had delivered substantial benefits to Frankston City residents.

“Solo Resource Recovery has experience with our community and pride in their service provision, as well as a long standing good working relationship with Council staff,” Mr Howden said.

“The opportunity to promote our kerbside food waste collection and increase uptake for the service, as well as reducing carbon emissions, are also important steps towards sustainable environmental practice.”

Solo Resource Recovery’s 10 year contract with Frankston City concluded on 30 June 2019 but a state-wide ministerial exemption allowed councils to extend their recycling collection contracts to support Victoria’s recycling sector.

Council obtained a further ministerial exemption due to COVID-19 and extended its contract with Solo Resource Recovery until 30 June 2022.


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