Statement from the CEO: Staff member tests positive to COVID-19
Published on 12 August 2020
Late yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, 12 August) we were notified that one of our Direct Care Workers had tested positive for the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The staff member last worked with clients on Friday 7 August and is now self-isolating.
Clients identified as having been in close contact with the staff member have been contacted and will receive additional advice from the Department of Health and Human Services later today.
Further contact tracing is also underway and support will be provided to those required to self-isolate.
At this stage it is believed close contact encounters have been minimal. Close contact means having face-to-face contact for more than 15 minutes or sharing an enclosed space for more than two hours with a person who has tested positive.
We take the safety of our clients very seriously and all Direct Care staff are provided with the appropriate personal protection equipment in line with workplace safety requirements.
We realise this news may be distressing for some clients and their families, however we are committed to keeping our community safe and informed.
There are no changes to our Direct Care Service for non-impacted clients at this stage, and any possible future changes will be communicated to clients directly.
If you feel unwell, or have symptoms of any kind you should get tested. Find your nearest local testing site by visiting:
Clients or carers with further concerns can contact Council’s Client Services Officer Group by phoning: 9784 1790
(Please note information will only be discussed with clients or their approved representatives).
Phil Cantillon
Chief Executive Officer