CEO Phil Cantillon’s statement: Suspension of Cr Steven Hughes

Published on 27 August 2021

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In March 2021, Frankston City Council resolved to bring an application for an internal arbitration process under section 143 of the Local Government Act alleging multiple acts of misconduct on the part of Cr Steven Hughes in his social media posts of 18 February 2021 and 1 March 2021.

The Arbiter, the Hon. Shane Marshall, has handed down his decision and statement of reasons which will be tabled at the next Council Meeting on Monday 30 August 2021 and recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

The decision has resulted in Cr Steven Hughes being suspended for a period one (1) calendar month effective from the day following the Council meeting, being 31 August 2021.

During the term of his suspension, Cr Steven Hughes will not have access to Council resources, nor will he receive Councillor remuneration entitlements.

Council will continue to work in the best interest of the Frankston City community in the absence of Cr Steven Hughes.

View further details in the Council Meeting Agenda 30 August 2021, from page 3.(PDF, 52MB)