Council adopts Frankston Local Shopping Strip Action Plan

Published on 28 September 2021

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Frankston City Council has adopted the Frankston Local Shopping Strip Action Plan following extensive community consultation.

Councillors voted unanimously to adopt the Plan at a recent Council Meeting, noting the draft Plan was publicly exhibited between October 2020 and January 2021.

Council has undertaken an extensive review of shopping strips across Frankston City, to assess how well these places are servicing their local communities.

Importantly, Council has asked the community what they want from their local shopping strips and the main issues they are encountering, including safety, variety, accessibility, car parking, look and feel or otherwise.

This feedback has been used to inform and reinforce opportunities, outcomes and priorities of the Plan.

North West Ward Cr Sue Baker said the Local Shopping Strip Action Plan demonstrates Council’s ongoing commitment to ensuring local shopping strips reach their full potential and continue to be thriving hubs of community activity for generations to come.

“This is an innovative plan that provides the basis for Council to prioritise public realm improvement projects in local shopping strips over the next 10 to 15 years,” Cr Baker said.

Council has allocated an annual rolling program of $300,000 for major upgrades and between $25,000 and $70,000 to enable the implementation of the Plan as part of Council’s annual Budget process and that funding and grant opportunities will also be pursued. Priorities identified for the coming year include Railway Parade Shops, Seaford, and Fairways Street Shops, Frankston.

Cr Baker said: “The Plan provides guidance for the future design, development and management of Frankston City’s local shopping strips.

“A rolling program of local shopping strip streetscape improvements will ensure future upgrades meet community and Council aspirations for the next 10 years,” Cr Baker said.

North-East Ward Cr David Asker said added: “An upgrade of the Excelsior Drive, Frankston North, shopping strip was recently completed as part of the Plan. This was thanks for funding from the Victorian Government ($100,000) and Frankston City Council ($200,000).

Cr Asker said: “We want to make sure that each of our shopping strips is vibrant, attractive, functional and safe. To do this, we have developed the Plan, which assesses the existing conditions of each shopping strip and identifies opportunities for their improvement.”

Cr Asker added: “Well-designed local shopping strips are beneficial for all – residents, businesses and Frankston City. They attract visitors and foster a strong economy, while encouraging social community engagement and promoting outdoor activity.

“Attractive shopping strips will encourage residents to spend time and money locally, instead of being forced to inner city locations. Studies have found strong correlations between rental value, accessibility, active shop frontage and attractive public realm.”