Council committed to safety and security

Published on 29 January 2021

Frankston City Council is dedicated to ensuring our city and suburbs are safe and welcoming places to live, work, play and visit.

Council has recently undertaken a number of new initiatives to strengthen public safety and deter anti-social behaviour including an enhanced CCTV network across Frankston City and increasing patrols by Community Safety officers on the City’s beaches over summer.

North-West Ward Cr Steven Hughes said the Council’s priority was the safety and security of residents and visitors, adding: “Recent changes to our Community Local Law have been made to guarantee it is more community focused and its administration more efficient.

“The Community Local Law was reviewed and relaunched in 2019 – 2020 to improve how we manage a variety of issues impacting personal and community safety.”

Cr Hughes added: “We’re clamping down on hooning, particularly those congregating for this highly dangerous activity, making it illegal to participate in, encourage or attend a hoon event without a lawful excuse. Further, drivers of motorised vehicles cannot stop or park close to these events without lawful reason.”

Cr Hughes said the Council’s commitment to safety also focused on the use of drones to ensure they are not operated or flown in a manner which may cause injury or discomfort to a person.

“While this complements the Civil Aviation Safety Authority regulations, which stipulate where and how drones can be operated, the Community Local Law also seeks to address respect for privacy,” Cr Hughes said.

“Civil Aviation Safety Authority regulations specifically state that drones cannot be operated over people in populous areas including beaches parks, events and sport ovals.”

Cr Hughes said the Community Local Law also acknowledges complaints about excessive noise generated by music from vehicles, stipulating that it must not be unreasonable or interfere with the reasonable comfort of people within its proximity.

He said the Community Local Law complemented the Short Stay Rental Accommodation Local Law, adding: “This local law sets a standard for short stay properties not covered under any other state or federal legislation. It was created following noise and nuisance complaints from residents neighbouring a small number of these properties.”

The purpose of the Community Local Law is to regulate uses and activities to:

  • Provide for the peace, order and good governance of the Frankston municipality.
  • Promote a physical and social environment in which residents and visitors to the municipality can enjoy a quality of life that meets the reasonable expectations of the community.
  • Prevent and minimise nuisances which may adversely affect the enjoyment of life within the Frankston municipality or the health, safety and welfare of persons within the Frankston municipality.
  • Prohibit, regulate and control activities which may be dangerous, unsafe or detrimental to a person’s health, amenity or the environment.
  • Provide for fair access and use of Council and community assets and prescribe measures to protect those assets; and
  • Prescribe requirements for the administration and enforcement of the Local Law.

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