Council responds to residents’ concerns on Heritage Review

Published on 04 June 2021

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Frankston City Council has listened to a number of residents’ concerns and set aside the Frankston Heritage Review 2020 Study following extensive community consultation that included consideration of submissions received in relation to 10 properties included in the draft study.

The draft Frankston Gap Heritage Study identified 24 places of local heritage significance for future protection under the Frankston Planning Scheme.

Councillors voted unanimously at the 31 May Council Meeting to formally set aside the Heritage Study after listening to a number of submitters who raised a range of concerns including the potential financial impacts of heritage listings for residential properties.

Councillors stressed they supported the protection of Frankston’s heritage as it provides essential links with the past and help us to define our shared community history, but not at the expense of concerned property owners.

North East Ward Cr Suzette Tayler said: “We are the voice of residents and it’s clear this was not the path that residents wanted to go down. This Council is listening to you.”

North West Ward Cr Steven Hughes said the voices of residents have been heard and praised those who made submissions for being passionate advocates for what they believed in.

Cr Hughes added: “Councillors also voted unanimously to note a separate report that considers the Heritage Grant program which recommends committing an additional $60,000 to the annual Heritage Grant Program at the 2021/22 mid-year budget review, resulting in a total grant funding amount of $100,000.”

An increase in the Heritage grant funding will enable property owners of existing heritage places included in the Heritage Overlay of the Frankston Planning Scheme to access these funds for maintenance and restoration works of their heritage places.

Further to this, Councillors voted to refer consideration of funding to the 2022/23 budget process to employ a heritage adviser enabling advice and support to landowners with properties already in the Heritage Overlay. 

Underscoring the Council’s commitment to heritage, Councillors voted to approve and advise successful applicants in the 2020/21 Local Heritage Preservation Grant Program.

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