Council’s community engagement for Disability Action Plan 2021 - 2026
Published on 23 April 2021
Frankston City Council is dedicated to reducing barriers for people with a disability as part of work on the Disability Action Plan 2021 – 2026.
Deputy Mayor Nathan Conroy said the Plan was an important strategic document, adding it was essential those with a disability felt more included, connected and valued in Frankston City.
“Feedback and responses will directly influence the priorities and actions in our Disability Action Plan. We will analyse and deliberate on the community feedback with Frankston
City’s Disability Access and Inclusion Committee (DAIC) volunteers, to set priorities and make recommendations for the Plan,” the Deputy Mayor said.
Council is seeking feedback and ideas around local barriers to access and inclusion from people who will be directly impacted by the Plan including those with disabilities, carers, family and friends of people with disabilities, professionals who work with people with disabilities and those who live, work, play, visit, study, invest in or pass through Frankston.
Cr Conroy said: “We want your help to identify and develop actions to address local barriers to accessing places like buildings, parks and the beaches, education and employment, information, activities and events and support services.”
Frankston City’s DAIC Chair, Wal Jones, said: “This consultation is a great opportunity for people with disabilities and carers to share with Council their experiences of access and inclusion in Frankston City; to identify areas that need to be addressed and areas of success that Council can build on.
“Every person with a disability, including those experiencing mental illness, will have unique and important experiences to share. It is this community feedback that will become the foundation of the next Disability Action Plan.
“The Disability Access and Inclusion Committee look forward to working with Council to review the community feedback, identify priority areas and collaborate with the various departments to develop clear actions that will create a more inclusive and welcoming community for everyone,” Mr Jones said.
Frankston DAIC has been running for 33 years and includes of 12 volunteer members – eight community members with lived experience of disability (directly or as carers) and four representing local community organisations.
Their role involves providing advice and guidance to Council projects with the goal of improving access and inclusion for people with disabilities in Frankston City.
Community consultation for the Plan is now open until 23 May 2021. Email your comments and ideas to (video, audio and image files accepted).
Request a phone or video call back from Diversity and Inclusion Project Manager by phoning 1300 322 322 or emailing and sharing your name, best contact details and communication requirements.
A draft Disability Action Plan is due to be on public exhibition in August/September 2021 for further community feedback, before seeking Council endorsement of the final Plan in October 2021.
For more information including the online survey, please visit