Frankston City Council adopts new Community Engagement Framework

Published on 30 June 2021

Community Engagement Framework Wells St

Frankston City Council has enthusiastically embraced its new Community Engagement Framework – a major step towards embedding community feedback and input into Council’s decision making process.

Councillors voted unanimously at their 28 June Council Meeting to adopt the Framework, demonstrating Council’s commitment to:

  • Developing a consistent and coordinated approach to community engagement.
  • Increasing participation and involvement in Council decisions and projects.
  • Improving awareness and understanding of community engagement as central to Council decision-making.
  • Providing guidelines and a toolkit for planning and delivering community engagement.

North West Ward Cr Sue Baker said: “Input from the community has significantly influenced the development and content of the Framework. Our community engagement on the Framework included eight community pop-up events in different areas of the municipality, an online survey, targeted engagement with stakeholder groups, including young people at a Youth Forum, and Council’s Disability Access and Inclusion Committee.”

Council Director Business Innovation and Culture, Shweta Babbar, said input from residents on the new Community Engagement Framework was vital, adding: “We heard during this engagement that community members value face-to-face engagement, along with a range of methods being offered during consultations, including membership of Frankston City’s new Community Panel.”

Ms Babbar added: “For Council, community engagement means involving local people in decisions that interest and/or impact them. Our engagement can take many forms, from simply sharing information, through to getting local people directly involved in making Council decisions that affect Council services, activities, facilities and plans.

“When our community are engaged, they can see how their contributions make a difference to a decision and to long term outcomes in their local neighbourhoods and wider municipality,” Ms Babbar said.

Council’s Senior Coordinator Community Engagement and Participation, Heather Hutchinson, said good community engagement is an essential foundation of an active and involved community, adding: “It promotes an exchange of information and ideas between Council and the community on issues and decisions that the community are affected by, and are interested in.”

Ms Hutchinson said: “Council is committed to engaging and collaborating with our diverse local community, to understand and include people’s different views, experiences and expertise.

“We are genuinely listening and learning from the local community to ensure their feedback influences Council’s decisions and project outcomes,” Ms Hutchinson said.

Council’s Community Engagement Policy was adopted by Council on 1 March, 2021. It sets Council’s commitment for how we will engage our community on decisions that impact and affect them, including our Engagement Principles. For more details about the policy, please visit

Ms Hutchinson said Council’s new community engagement platform, Engage Frankston! Is scheduled to go live from 9 July 2021 – providing an easy and more interactive way for locals to give feedback on Council’s plans, projects, policies and activities.

“We are looking to expand our Community Panel from the current 40 members to 500 community members, to ensure the panel is truly a snapshot of Frankston City. As a member of our Community Panel, you will provide feedback on a range on projects by completing surveys, quick polls, attending focus groups, workshops and other activities that we will make as interactive and enjoyable as possible.

“Keep an eye out for our registration information in July – August 2021,” Ms Hutchinson said.

For information about the Community Engagement Framework, please email or phone 1300 322 322 and ask for Heather Hutchinson or Ilona Ellerton.

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