Frankston City Council launches Positive Ageing Action Plan 2021-2025

Published on 27 September 2021


Frankston City is set to become a healthier and more liveable city for older residents, with the launch of Council’s Positive Ageing Action Plan 2021–2025.

Locals aged 60 years and older are Frankston City’s fastest growing demographic, representing approximately 21 per cent of the municipality’s total population or 28,012 people. This is expected to grow to 24 per cent of the local population by 2026.

The Plan will determine how Council will deliver its services, programs and infrastructure over the next four years, with a focus of promoting connection, supportiveness and engagement for locals 60 and over.

The Plan will also inform Council’s infrastructure and services priorities to ensure older people feel safe and included, enjoy good health and stay involved in their communities.

North East Ward Cr Suzette Tayler said: “Across the world, people are living longer resulting in a change in the make-up of our communities.

“The idea of ‘positive ageing’ is about not only altering the way we view ageing in our society, but acknowledging that ageing well is about more than just our genes or personal characteristics. Our physical and social environment has a huge impact on our quality of life,” Cr Tayler said.

Cr Tayler added: “That means Council and the community as a whole has a responsibility to ensure residents are able to continue participating in local community affairs and engaging in the kinds of activities that enhance physical and mental health throughout their lives.”

Reducing age-related barriers that stop older people from participating in community life and prevent the wider community from enjoying the benefits of their contribution is also a focus of the Plan.

Council’s Positive Ageing Action Plan 2021–2025 also reflects the World Health Organisation’s Global Age-Friendly Cities, along with Council’s own Community Building Outcomes Framework, which includes:

  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Social participation
  • Outdoor spaces and buildings
  • Community support and health services
  • Communication and information
  • Respect and social inclusion
  • Civil participation and employment

The Positive Ageing Action Plan 2021-2025 was developed after extensive community consultation with a range of seniors clubs and groups, Council’s Age Friendly Frankston Ambassadors, Frankston University of the Third Age and over 400 community members.

Cr Tayler said: “The Plan is a holistic roadmap for enabling positive ageing in our community and integrated planning across Council, demonstrating a whole-of-Council commitment to positive ageing in Frankston City.

“Helping older people remain active and engaged is fundamental for happiness and fulfilment later in life that everyone has the right to expect,” Cr Tayler said.

Friday 1 October is International Day for Older Persons and Ageism Awareness Day. For more information, please visit: and

To view Council’s Positive Ageing Action Plan 2021–2025, please visit:

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