Don’t throw away your chance to help build a waste plan for the future

Published on 14 September 2022

Garbage and recycling bins

Frankston City Council invites residents and community members to help shape a waste circularity plan that aims to minimise waste, divert more waste away from landfill and improve the effectiveness of kerbside recycling processes.

Waste management is one of the most significant services delivered by Frankston City Council on behalf of our community. However, a growing population and diminishing landfill capacity are placing increased pressure on waste management systems both in Frankston City and across Victoria.

That's why the State Government has set a target for all councils to divert 80 per cent of waste from landfill by 2030, and has mandated the introduction of a standardized four-stream household waste and recycling system.

To support this direction, Council is developing a waste circularity plan, and is looking for community input. Examples of waste circularity range from avoiding waste by using only what is required, buying quality items that last longer, recovering valuable resources through improved recycling to reusing or repairing household items instead of buying new.

South Ward Cr Claire Harvey said waste circularity has a key role to play in reducing impact on the environment, and in supporting a more resilient and liveable community.

 “Being smarter in how we reuse and recycle in the community can further reduce waste and unlock more value from the products and materials we use in the home,” said Cr Harvey.

 “We know there are some great ideas within the community about waste circularity, and that’s why we want residents to get involved.”

Council is inviting the community and other stakeholders to participate in a range of online and in-person engagement activities to help shape the plan, including the Mayor’s Family Picnic on 17 September and the Pets’ Day Out on 9 October. For further information visit