Frankston Arts Centre’s Open Exhibition competition
Published on 30 May 2022
Frankston Arts Centre’s Open Exhibition competition is now open for submissions with a fantastic prize package on offer.
Artists are encouraged to submit artworks for inclusion with a chance to win $1000 in prize money and their own exhibition and opening event in 2023. All visual arts mediums are welcome and must explore the theme of Belonging.
The theme is open to broad artistic interpretation and may be approached from a personal, social or cultural perspective.
Entries close 10 July 2022 and the Open Exhibition will be displayed in the Cube 37 Gallery from 28 July to 25 August.
Ryan Lee won top honours in the Frankston Arts Centre Open Exhibition Competition 2021 with his stunning video artwork ‘Wonnarua’.
In selecting Ryan’s artwork, guest judge Simon Lawrie said: “Wonnarua captures well how things change at different speeds and often out of step with each other – while threatened by the industrial exploitation of traditional lands by non-Indigenous inhabitants, the cultural identity of the Wonnarua Nation remains strong.”
He added: “This is a powerful and sensitive meditation on two seemingly irreconcilable approaches to land and Country.”
Key Dates 2022
- Online Applications close: Sunday, 10 July.
- Successful entrants notified: Wednesday, 13 July.
- Delivery of Artwork to Cube 37: Friday, 22 July 11am-4pm or Saturday, 23 July, 9am-2pm.
- Exhibition: Thursday, 28 July to Thursday, 25 August.
- Collection: Friday 26, August 11am-4pm, Saturday 27, August 9am-2pm.
- Opening Event: Thursday, 28 July 6pm-8pm. Online registration essential.
Key Information
- Victorian Applicants only.
- $16 entry Fee.
For more information, please visit the Frankston Arts Centre website or email Visual Arts Officer, Milla Dakovic,