Frankston City Council Budget out for comment

Published on 06 May 2022

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Frankston City Council has endorsed the proposed 2022/2026 Budget (including 2022-2023 Council Plan initiatives) and now invites public submissions.

Mayor Nathan Conroy said the proposed budget strikes the balance between providing essential services and capital works for the community with the future investment needed to drive Frankston as a destination of opportunity, growth and change.

“As we continue to prioritise essential services such as roads, drainage and waste, we must also invest in the buildings, infrastructure, services and programs that make Frankston a wonderful place to live, work, play and invest.

“We must be responsible and respectful of ratepayer funds while making the necessary investments to ensure Frankston is both socially and economically strong.

“Frankston is on the move – this is an exciting time for us all. Investing in the revitalisation and renewal of our City is essential and includes major City changing projects such as the revitalisation of the Nepean Highway and investment in Frankston’s foreshore.

“This investment will benefit Frankston over the long term and is vital to the repositioning of Frankston as the vibrant, dynamic and exciting place that locals love, people want to visit, and investors are attracted to.

“This year’s Budget includes significant investments in drainage, roads, footpaths, sporting and recreational facilities with Councillors working together to identify the key priorities for Frankston in line with our Community Vision 2040,” the Mayor said.

Budget highlights include:

  • Council’s largest ever capital works program totalling $91.6 million to build Frankston’s future.
  • Initiatives to revitalise Frankston, including a Destination Events program.
  • Projects across sports and recreation, biodiversity and open space, car parking and transport connectivity and arts, culture and events prioritised for investment.
  • Climate and sustainability focused plans.

Major Projects in 2022/2023 (Total of $45.73M)

  • Jubilee Park Indoor Stadium Redevelopment - $19.97M
  • Kevin Collopy Pavilion - $2.21M
  • Eric Bell Pavilion - $2.65M
  • Lloyd Park Pavilion - $5.00M
  • Healthy Futures Hub - $3.53M
  • Frankston Yacht Club - $1.40M
  • Ballam Park Regional Play Place - $2.05M
  • Ballam Park Lake - $1.25M
  • Kananook Commuter Car Park - $3.80M
  • Barretts Road Construction - $2.05M
  • LXRA Community Asset Program - $1.00M
  • Seaford Wetland Bridge - $1.35M

You can have your say on the proposed budget at:

Residents can also attend pop up Budget information sessions around Frankston City:

  • Saturday 7 May, 9am - 2pm at Little Beauty Market (Beauty Park), Frankston.
  • Friday 13 May, 11.30am - 1.30pm at Foot St shopping strip, Frankston.
  • Sunday 15 May, 8am - 1pm at Seaford Farmers Market (next to Seaford Library), Seaford.
  • Thursday 19 May, 11.30am - 4pm at Carrum Downs Regional shopping centre car park, Carrum Downs.

Community consultation closes Tuesday 24 May 2022 at 5pm. Public submissions can also be made at the Council Meeting to be held on Monday 30 May.

For more information about the Frankston City Council Plan and Budget, please visit


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