Youth Council urge young people to have their say on action plan

Published on 07 July 2022

Frankston Youth Council

Frankston’s Youth Council are urging young people to have their say on a new four-year Frankston City Council Youth Action Plan.

The purpose of the Youth Action Plan is to:

  • Identify the current and future needs of young people aged 12-24 within the City of Frankston
  • Plan services, programs and facilities for our young people
  • Build on existing initiatives and identify opportunities to support young people
  • Provide opportunities for youth participation and advocate on behalf of young people

Frankston City Youth Council member, Laura said:

“It's such an incredible opportunity to be able to have a say in the Youth Action Plan, because it ensures that the change implemented as a result is relevant and meaningful to the young people who are currently involved in shaping our community!

“It's such an uplifting, exciting position to be in as a young person, because Frankston is a community that holds a high value to the input of its members, regardless of age; to have as many young people involved in contributing their feedback and ideas means that not only will we be empowered to continue to represent and advocate for our passions (big or small), but that genuine positive change for the lives of ourselves and emerging generations will take place as a result!'”

Frankston City Mayor, Cr Nathan Conroy applauded the Youth Council for leading the charge.

“Clearly, the Youth Action Plan must be informed by the needs of young people themselves so I’m grateful and proud our Youth Council are instrumental in spreading the word about the draft plan and how young people can provide feedback.”

“The action plan must reflect the needs and aspirations of our young people if we are to have a city and community that’s truly strong and inclusive,” said the Mayor.

Parents, carers and community groups are also encouraged to read the plan and provide feedback.

There are a number of ways to share your thoughts on the plan:

  • ·online at
  • chat with our Youth Services team who will be out and about at a number of events over the next month including:
    • Community pop up event, Jubilee Park Saturday 16 July 10am - 3.30pm
    • Non-Live Live” music event, The Cube, Frankston Arts Centre, Saturday 30 July, 6-8pm

Consultation closes: Friday 5 August 2022

Following this final round of community consultation, a finalised action plan will be presented to Council for formal adoption.

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