Rapid Response Team steps up patrols to enhance city centre safety

Published on 09 May 2024


Frankston City Council’s Safer Communities Rapid Response Team is increasing patrols in central Frankston to tackle Community Local Law issues relating to smoking and drinking in public spaces.

Mayor Nathan Conroy said the Rapid Response Team is a key part of Council’s commitment to a revitalised CBD, adding: “With more people visiting, working and living in central Frankston, we want to create an enhanced sense of safety by increasing the presence of our Local Law enforcement officers.”

The team will patrol Wells St, Shannon Mall, Young St and Station St areas of the Frankston Metropolitan Activity Centre to focus on enforcement of Council’s Community Local Law 2020 and provisions relating to smoking and alcohol consumption in public places.

“A variable message sign board will be on display for the duration, conveying Council is enforcing Local Laws, no smoking/vaping, no drinking/open containers and penalties apply,” Mayor Conroy said.

North-West Ward Cr Glenn Aitken said the increased patrols will initially see officers employ an educative approach with warnings only issued, with escalation to enforcement as required.

“The team is highly visible in the community performing proactive patrols, quickly responding to a range of issues, including dog problems and anti-social behaviour and engaging with the community to provide an increased sense of safety across the municipality,” Cr Aitken said.

“The team regularly works closely with Victoria Police to prioritise hot spots of Local Law breaches identified by the community and have performed joint patrols.”

Cr Aitken added that the boost to patrols followed feedback from visitors to Frankston, traders and local residents.

For more information, visit https://www.frankston.vic.gov.au/Community-and-Health/Public-safety-services/Rapid-Response-Team

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